Thank You

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Lauren stared at her phone, tears coming out of her eyes.

Allycat- Lauren... I'm sorry. I know how you feel about me. I'm so sorry, but I don't feel the same way. I'm officially dating Troy. It was completely unexpected. Please don't be upset. Please don't let this hurt our friendship.

She read it over and over for an hour before she realized what exactly Ally was saying. Ally fell for someone else. Lauren never felt more dead inside at that moment.

She started to cry. Her heart was broken. She lost a chance with the love of her life. She didn't wanna settle for just friends. As greedy as she sounded, she wanted way more than that. Lauren didn't think she could bare to see Ally anymore.

She called a random contact in her phone without looking to see who it was. She didn't care who it was if she was gonna be honest. She just needed someone to talk to.

The person picked up after the third ring.


Lauren's throat went dry when she realized it was her ex girlfriend.


"Yeah? Are you okay, Lauren?" Camila asked.

Lauren thought about saying she was fine and calling someone else but she decided against it. She took a shaky breath. "I know this is short notice but... could you come over?"

"Yeah... okay. I'll be there soon," Camila answered.


Camila hung up, and Lauren sunk down against the wall, trying to control her breathing.

Five minutes later, her phone rung. She answered.


"Yeah. I'm here. Open up."

Lauren looked down at the ground. "It's already open," she muttered weakly.

In seconds, Camila burst into the room to see Lauren sitting on the floor against the wall. She mentally noted how empty and broken Lauren looked.

"Lauren! What happened?" She asked, kneeling down beside the green-eyed girl.

"Ally," was all Lauren said before she burst into tears.

Camila immediately understood and pulled her into a hug. She never liked Ally to be honest.

"It hurts so much, Camz," Lauren sobbed.

Camz. Camila hadn't heard that nickname in awhile.

"I know. It's okay. Everything will be okay. She's not worth it, Lo," Camila whispered as she soothingly rubbed her back.

"How could I have been so foolish? I never had a chance. Look at her. She's smart and beautiful and funny and sweet. And then there's me. Of course she wouldn't like me. I'm just a major fuckup," Lauren mumbled.

Camila pulled away and looked into Lauren's eyes. "Don't say that, Lauren. Don't you dare. You're not a fuckup. You're smart. You're funny. You're sweet, and beautiful, and artistic, and brave, and just an overall amazing person. You deserve better than her. She isn't worth your pain. She's the one who lost the most amazing person ever. She should be the one crying, not you."

Lauren had no idea how to respond to that. "Really?"

Camila nodded. "Really."

Lauren sniffled and wiped her eyes. She then leaned in and placed a soft and sweet kiss on Camila's cheek.

"Thank you," Lauren whispered.

"For what?"

"For just... being you. Thank you for coming over. And just talking to me. For just existing. Thank you."

"Of course, Lo. I'll always be here for you. No matter what," Camila said, giving Lauren's hand a reassuring squeeze.

Lauren smiled.

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