Just Venting (Part 2)

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The sound of Camila's voice made her heart race. She hated that. Lauren tried to pretend she didn't hear her ex lover's angelic voice, hoping and praying shed give up and leave Lauren be. Of course, Camila didn't.

Camila grabbed Lauren's arm, stopping her in her tracks. "Lauren, don't ignore me. I need to talk to you." She scanned the area, noticing there were a lot of people around. "In private, preferably."

Lauren sighed. "What do you want, Camz? I have to get to English. I'm supposed to be typing up a rough draft for my essay, which is due in a week and counts for at least a quarter of my grade." 

Camila raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you actually do your work when you're supposed to?"

"Since you dumped me, leaving me to use schoolwork as a distraction from my thoughts."

"I'm sorry, Lauren. Can we please talk? Like in the bathroom? Barely anyone goes in there after 1st period," the brown-eyed girl pleaded. Lauren could tell Camila wouldn't take no for an answer. 

Sighing, she caved in. "Fine. Let me put my stuff down first though, and make sure it's okay with my teacher."

Camila smiled that sweet smile of hers that never failed to melt Lauren's heart. Feeling slightly frustrated because she hated how easily she would give in for Camila, she set down her backpack. "Mr. Winchester, can I use the bathroom?" 

The teacher looked up from his computer to see who was speaking to him, then looked back down. "Sure, knock yourself out."

"Thank you, sir." Lauren ambled out of the room. "Alright, Camz... come on."

When the two walked to the bathroom, checking every stall to make sure they were alone. Camila took a deep breath before turning around to face the older girl once she knew the coast was clear. 

"So what are we doing here?" Lauren asked, leaning against the wall of a stall. 

"I want to discuss what you said two days ago. That long essay of a text you sent at like 3 AM." Camila ran a hand through her hair, pacing pack and forth. "So... did you mean all of it? Was that true?"

Lauren snorted. "I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true."

Camila stopped in front of Lauren, looking her directly in the eyes. "How could you still possibly say all of that, even after all the stuff I did to you? Why do you not hate me? I deserve every bit of hatred possible. I destroyed your heart, Lauren. I shattered it into a million pieces. Why in the hell are you not completely ignoring me right now? I deserve it, you can't deny that."

Lauren tilted her head and stood up straight. "I already kind of told you, Camila. Are you really going to make me say it out loud?"

"Yes, because it's just so hard for me to understand it."

Lauren placed her hands on the shorter girl's shoulders, green eyes staring into brown. "Because I fucking love you." 

Camila shook her head. "Why? What about me could possibly draw you in so much? What is it about me that makes you not want to just throw me out of your life?"

"You. It's literally as simple as that. You're.... you. How could I not be drawn in? How could I not want you in my life forever? You are literally all I fucking want, Camila. I would sell my soul to Satan himself if it meant I could have you in my life in whatever way possible. I mean, yeah, of fucking course I would give anything and everything to be with you, but I would gladly be just friends with you if that's all you wanted, if it meant you were still in my life. You are so important to me, Camila. I love you. So fucking much. God, you don't even know. I-" 

Lauren was cut off when suddenly Camila pulled her in by the collar, smashing their lips together. 

Her eyes widened in surprise, expecting the complete opposite of a kiss. She didn't hesitate to reciprocate though, and soon Camila was pushing her into the largest stall, locking the door behind them, without even breaking the kiss. 

Lauren spun them around and pushed her up against the wall. Camila wrapped her arms around the other girl's neck, pulling her in closer, trying to savor every bit of the kiss possible. Camila knew she missed Lauren, but she didn't think it was this much. 

Suddenly, they heard someone enter the bathroom, and the Lauren pulled away slightly. She brought a pale slender finger up to her lips, telling Camila to stay silent. Camil nodded, blushing profusely. She stared at Lauren as the older girl listened to see if anyone else had come in. When Lauren turned to look back at the girl in front of her, Camila slowly leaned forward to press a kiss to her lips. This kiss wasn't like the hungry, passionate one that came just moments before. This kiss was slow and soft, gentle and sweet. 

The two pulled away at the sound of a toilet flushing, and Camila had to cover her mouth to prevent a giggle from slipping out. 

One of the sinks turned on, and around 15 seconds after, whoever was in there left the bathroom. Both girls let out a sigh of relief. Lauren soon tensed up again though, remembering that she should be in class right now. 

"Camz, I gotta get back to class. Winchester will be questioning me a lot if I stay here any longer," Lauren said, scratching the back of her neck.

Camila nodded. "Alright." She pressed one last kiss to Lauren's lips before moving away from the wall. "I should get to class too."

Lauren smiled slightly. "Yeah..." The two walked out of the stall and Lauren walked up to the sink, turning it on to wash her hands and splash some water on her face. "Okay, Camz... I'll see you later?" 

"Of course," Camila replied. 


The two walked out of the bathroom silently, sharing a smile before they walked off in different directions. Right before Lauren turned a corner, Camila called out to her, and she turned back to look at the younger girl. 

"I love you, I love you, Lauren Michelle Jauregui. Just making sure you know that."

A wide grin spread across Lauren's face. She couldn't possibly feel more relieved to hear those words once more. "I love you too."

Camila turned back around and continued walking to her class, and Lauren did the same. 


A/N- YIKES this wasn't that great sorry oof I tried tho 😅

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