Chapter 6

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Celia's POV

When I ran into the mansion, I thought, I should go to my room but Ciel would go there first, so it was to obvious to hide at. So I started to search the mansion for a place to relax at, then I found the music room. I found this place perfect because I always relax when I play music. So I sat at the piano and thought of a song to play. Then the perfect song popped into my head, I placed my hands on the piano keys and closed my eyes, then I let my hands flow over the keys. I also started to sing...

( the song eight hundred is the song you are playing and singing )

After playing the song, I felt better, but all of a sudden I heard clapping. I turned around to see Ciel standing by the door, clapping. Was he standing there the whole time? I ask myself. I started to blush and tried to hide it. He walked over to me and sat down. " Nice job, where did you learn to play the piano. " Ciel asked. " Don't you remember, I learned from mother..." I trailed off at the memory of her. " I am sorry Celia, I should have supported you than hurt you. " Ciel said with my hands in his. For some reason, I liked him holding my hands. I wish we could stay like this, wait... why am I thinking like this, he's my brother for crying out loud. " I am sorry too Ciel. I shouldn't have yelled at you, you were just trying to protect me. " I said with a little bit of shyness in my voice. We hugged each other after the apologies. But I started to cry again. " Why are you crying Celia? I thought you were strong. " Ciel said concerned. " It's just... hugging you like this... reminds me when were little. I missed you so much! I would cry myself to sleep because of how much I missed you and our parents. I don't ever want to leave you again Ciel! Please, let's never leave one another ever again. " I said putting my face in his chest so he wouldn't have to see cry anymore. " I promise, in fact why don't you move in with me so we're closer together. " Ciel said trying to be comforting but liking the idea also. " That's a grand idea. Can I get my stuff tomorrow sense it's dark already? " I said wiping away the tears. " Sure, first thing tomorrow. Now meet me in my studies when your done getting ready to retire. " Ciel said while standing up and walking out the door. He is really cute, kind, and caring. Oh my gosh there I go again. Are they signals or something? I thought to myself.

Ciel's POV

I am glad I got to make things better. I want to help her like that more often, but not because of me next time. I thought to myself. I entered my studies with a smirking demon standing next to my chair. I walked over to my chair and sat down then said, " What are you smirking about? " " Oh, just how well you took care of Celia as a brother, or was it because you like her. " Sebastian said while trying not to chuckle. " I... I don't like her... I took care of her like an older brother like I should be doing. " I said trying not to blush. Sebastian then muttered something under his breath. " You know what, go make Celia and me some tea. " I said, a little bit furious. " Yes my lord. A little bit later, Celia came to my studies, " May I come in? " " Go ahead. " I said, a little bit excited to see her. " Ciel, do have any night gowns I could use. I was only expecting to stay one night, so I only brought a night gown. " Celia said looking me right in the eye, which for some reason, sent a chill down my back. " Sure, just use some of my old shirts. Judging by your size, they should be long enough. " I said no thinking it would be weird. But I looked up and saw Celia starring at me with disbelief and blushing. " Okay? " She walked out still blushing. Why was she blushing, it's not like I was telling her to do it in front of me?! but just at the thought I blushed also. A little bit later, Sebastian came in with the tea and a letter from the Queen. So I quickly stopped blushing and took the letter from his hand. The letter read...
Dear Ciel,
  There has been threats about some people charging into the mansion and causing chaos. So I need you and your butler to help protect the castle until there are no more threats. I will need you here by 12 sharp. Oh and also Black Rose will be helping on this case.

Queen Victoria

Who's Black Rose? I thought to myself. After thinking for a little bit. Sebastian and Celia came in with one of my old shirts on. It was funny to see it a little bit longer than expected. " What's that? " she asked not seeing me smirk at her. " Oh, just a message from the Queen. " I said looking back at the letter. Sebastian came back in with another letter, but instead of brining it to me, he gave it to Celia. " For me? " she said questioning why she would getting a letter. " Yes, it's from the Queen. " Sebastian looking at her with a smirk on his face. She looks over the letter. " What does it say? " I say with curiosity. " It says, Dear Celia, there has been threats about people coming into the mansion and chasing drama. I will need you and your maid here by 12 sharp. Oh and the guard dog will be helping on this case. Sincerely, Queen Victoria. Who is the guard dog? " she says and noticing me shocked. " You're the guard dog aren't you? " she says realizing it was me. " So you are Black Rose? " I saw realizing my partner is none other than my sister.

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