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Knuckles walked along the sidewalk to Silver's and Ari's house listening to Sexy Back. The song played out loud. Rouge spotted Knuckles and approached him. Knuckles quickly shut off his music and smiled at Rouge. Knuckles tried to avoid staring at her body as she waved and every step she swung her hips for attention.

She was wearing daisy dukes with a see-through top. Her black heels rose all the way to her knees with a lace bow on the side.

Rouge smiled and gave Knuckles a friendly hug,"Hey Knux!" She said in her sexy voice. Knuckles shifted uncomfortably,"Hi Rouge, long time no see..."

Rouge walked with Knuckles,"So, what are you up to?" She asked. Knuckles kept his distance,"Well...uh, just inviting some friends to a party that Rachel and I are throwing together for tonight." Rouge eyes widened and a smile grew across her face,"Oh, really? Sounds like fun! When does it start?" Knuckles was too slow too realize what Rouge was doing,"Oh, I don't know..maybe around 10:00 ish?" Rouge chuckled at Knuckles stupidity,"Cool. Could I bring I a guest, just wondering?"

"I guess..?" Knuckles hesitated. Rouge thanked Knuckles and flew off.

Knuckles, still not knowing of what just happened, approached Silver's door step and rang the doorbell.

Silver was cooking pancakes and was listening to, on full blast, Selena Gomez. "When your ready come and get it. Na Na Na!" Silver sang as his earbuds blasted the music. Silver swung his hips to the beat and flipped the pancakes accordingly.

The doorbell rang furiously,but Silver couldn't hear a thing. Ari awoke, stretched and yelled for Silver to answer the door,"SILVER?! ANSWER THE DOOR!" Ari knew Silver would be blasting his music, so she opened her window and looked down,"Hello?" She said in a tired voice. Knuckles stepped away from the door and waved at Ari. "Come on in! Don't mind Silver...He's being a complete dork!" Ari said to Knuckles, closing the window and heading towards the bathroom to brush her hair.

Knuckles walked in and closed the door. Silver's singing echoed through the house. Knuckles, getting annoyed, slapped the back of Silver's head. Silver,startled, flung a pancake up in the air which stuck to the ceiling. Silver paused his music and threw off his earbuds,"HEY! What's the big idea?" Silver shouted still a little startled. Knuckles rolled his eyes and gave a weak smile,"What are you doing tonight?"

Silver used his telekinesis to float the pancake off the ceiling and into the trashcan. Silver untied his apron,"Why? What are you doing?" Silver asked, a little annoyed.

"Me and Rachel are having a party...Do you want to come?"

Silver's eyes lit up and he gave a huge smile,"I..." Silver was interrupted by Ari,who was walking down the stairs,"Sounds like a lot of fun! We'll be there." Ari smiled. Knuckles walked out the door, but before he closed the door he said,"Great see you there."

Knuckles headed further down the road to Tail's and Olivia's house. Knuckles walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. No one answered. He tried a few more times, no answer. He walked around the house and walked up to the back door.Knuckles was about to knock on the door until he heard a load clang from Tail's workshop. Olivia walked out. Olivia was wearing skinny jeans with a loose tee shirt,one side hung down from her shoulder, that had a yellow lightning bolt on it, her hair was in a loose braid. She was wearing bright yellow converse that also had a lightning bolt on the sides.

She waved at Knuckles and approached him,"Hey Knuckles. How's it going?" She asked,smiling.

"Hey Olivia, where's Tails?" Knuckles asked looking past Olivia and at Tails workshop.

"Oh, he's working on one of his planes. I just brought him a snack."

Knuckles thought is was a little weird how they both got up early,"Okay,well Rachel and I are having a party tonight...We wanted you two to join us."

Olivia looked back at the workshop and than back to Knuckles."Yeah, we can do that! Sounds fun. Bye Knuckles." Olivia waved Knuckles a goodbye and headed back to the workshop.


Knuckles headed towards Sonic's house. Knuckles knocked on the door. The door quickly opened and sure enough Sonic stood there wide awake. "Oh, hey Knuckles!" He said.

Knuckles smiled,"Hey Sonic. Can I come in?" Knuckles liked hanging out with Sonic, even if the blue hedgehog got on his nerves a lot.

Sonic opened the door wider and welcomed Knuckles in. Knuckles sat down on a couch in the living room. The TV was switched to the news.

"You watch this?" Asked Knuckles as Sonic sat down. Sonic glanced at the TV and than back to Knuckles.

"You never know when something pops up." Sonic said smiling.

"So, where's Mickinzee?" Knuckles asked,getting comfortable on the couch. Sonic sat up from the chair.

"Uh, she's probably still sleeping...hold on." Sonic ran up the stairs and knocked on Mickinzee's door.

Mickinzee jolted up right and looked at her closed door. She yawned and heard Sonic's voice from the other side of the door,"Hey, kinz? Wake up. I let you sleep in long enough." Mickinzee looked at her alarm clock,11:07.

"Your crazy if you think I'm getting up,this early." She said pulling the sheets back over her head. Sonic is not the kind of person who took "No" for an answer. Sonic flew open the door and Mickinzee threw a pillow at him, Sonic caught the pillow and threw it on the ground,"Cmon get up." Sonic said sitting on Mickinzee's bed. Sonic threw off her sheets Mickinzee turned to him, smiling,"Bite me."

Sonic smiled and grabbed her feet yanking her off her bed.

"Nooooo!" She complained.

Sonic picked her up, bridal style. Mickinzee blushed and tried climbing back onto her bed. Sonic held her tightly and ran down the stairs.

Knuckles,flipping through the TV channels looked up at Sonic and Mickinzee. Mickinzee looked at Knuckles and jumped out of Sonic's arms. She waved tiredly at Knuckles and went towards the couch where Sonic was sitting.

Sonic watched her,"Now, don't go back to sl..." Mickinzee collapsed on the couch and closed her eyes smiling. Sonic rolled his eyes and smiled.

Knuckles looked away from Mickinzee and back to Sonic. "So...I came here to invite you guys to a party me and Rachel are throwing together." Mickinzee sat upright,"Depends..." She began,looking awake,"Are we gonna play some of Rachel's party games?" She asked suspiciously.

Sonic's cheeks grew a light red, Sonic knew how Rachel's party games tend to get a little...dirty.

Knuckles hesitated,"Umm...Well yeah?" He answered unsure.

Mickinzee smiled and glanced at Sonic, Sonic blushed harder and looked surprised and confused. Knuckles looked at Mickinzee, confused,"So, are you two dating or..?" Sonic looked at Knuckles almost instantly.

Mickinzee blushed and stood in front of Knuckles, she looked pissed off,"We are NOT dating!" She raised her voice and stormed off upstairs.

Sonic sat down across from Knuckles,"Sounds like fun...We'll make it." He stood up and walked Knuckles to the door. Knuckles headed back down to his house and quickly waved Sonic goodbye.

Well the invatations are done...whats next? Knuckles thought to himself.

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