A TOTALLY Normal Day

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It's my first time doing a fanfic about Underswap so please don't judge it. I'm an amateur, so on to the story. The pic is really kawaii right?? Though Papyrus is showering himself with flowers. Poor Papyrus.
It was a normal day in Snowdin. Yep you heard me, a totally normal day. Yellings and gruntings can be heard from a certain house.

"PAPYRUS!! STOP ANTAGONIZING THE HUMAN!!", the blue-scarfed skeleton said as he tried stop his brother from fighting certain person.

The skeleton replied in a way that no one would want to mess with him.

"welp, i can't help that this maniac wants a fight"

"You started this smiley-trashbag, why don't we end this once and for all?", Frisk said sarcastically​ as she tried to get out of Chara's grasp.

"that might be a good idea you piece of shit!"

"You two.... it's the 5th time you have fought this day! I mean seriously THIS IS THE 5TH TIME. Why can't you two pass a day without fighting?", Chara yelled,  struggling to stop Frisk from fighting Papyrus.

"CHARA IS RIGHT! WHY CAN'T YOU TWO PASS A DAY WITHOUT FIGHTING EACH OTHER...", he trailed off making the three glance at his way..

"Shit... not this again" was all the two could say as they tried to prevent the worst thing that could happen.

"h-hey bro we st-stopped fighting now s-so don't cry 'kay?"

"Ye-yeah Blue, we won't fight anymore s-see?"

Chara said nothing at all and silently laughed at Frisk and Papyrus' antics as they tried to stop Blue from crying. The last time that happened was hell.


"What?" the duo dumbfoundedly said.


The two can't seemingly deny this due to their situation right now.

"fine, but if this fucking pycho tries to hurt you. I WON'T HESITATE TO GIVE HER A BAD TIME"

(I was about to write 'BAD TEM' 😂😂😂)


"yeah yeah... wait what?!"

Then his blue starry eyes turns to Frisk expecting an answer.

"Ok... Just for you Blueberry" as she patted his skull. "I won't fight with Papyrus ANYMORE ", while secretly glaring at him behind Blueberry's back and of course doing the most expected thing he would do, he returned the glare. Blueberry seemed oblivious to this.

"Awwwwwww, so sweet", Chara interrupted the sweet scene that is unfolding infront of her.

"that it makes me sick", Papyrus said while he lit up his cigarette.

"Oh, shut up you- arrggghhh!!"

Chara just laughed this off again. Frisk looked at the clock and cursed. It was almost 9:00.

"hey!! if i'm not allowed to curse then you too!!"

She just shrugged it off.

"Chara, we need to go now. Asgore wants us to be home before 9:00"

"Ok!! Bye Sans! Bye Papyrus!"


"bye kiddo"


Plastering the most convincing smile in his face as best as he could, it was the best smile that Sans and Chara could see, though the smile was not totally friendly in Frisk's eyes. She could see through behind that 'very convincing smile'.

"bye frisk "

"Bye Blueberry......bye Papyrus." , the last word that came out of her mouth was said with sarcasm.

Chara rolled her red eyes and shoved her out of the house before the sparks could go on any further.

"Geezzz can't you two stop? You look like cats and dogs."

She took a chocolate from the pocket of her shorts and started munching on it happily. "Nope it ain't gonna stop until he stops, besides he was the one who started it."

Before they could push the large door that leads to the Ruins, it was opened by Asgore already.

"Oh, just in time my child. Come in, I have prepared dinner for us to eat", Asgore said as he led them to the house.

So how is it?? Is it bad or ok??? But whew!! It was worth a shot! Keep updated for the next chappie.

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