This is where it starts

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I'm soo sorrry guys.. I have been busy lately with all those contests in school ^3^. And, I was BONE tired to write a chappie since I debated what would happen next. Now let me at least give you a satisfactory chapter. °~° And I am going to change the title to a fitting one!! And the cover too! Don't expect much!


As she ran through the Waterfalls, she stopped by Alphys' house. As expected, no one was there even Sans. She ran, stopped, ran and stopped. In Hotlands, Undyne wasn't there. Everyone was gone... Grillby, Hotflamesman, (sorry don't know who will replace him XD) and the others were gone.

Seemingly out of breath, she walked to the NTT Resort to see that there were no monsters. She looked to the side of the resort to see that Bratty and Catty weren't even there. Even the most popular robot in Underground, Napstaton wasn't there to go and play his awesome music of his in the resort.

Frisk had no choice but to go through the CORE.

With all those shiny lights made Frisk's eyes close up. It took her a while to adjust to the flashes.

Now, she just have to enter the elevator to reach the place where she is heading.

As she waited for the elevator to reach the destination she thought,

'Why did everything turn this way? Everyone was happy. I was happy.. But... was it all an illusion? Was there no happy ending? Why-'

Her thoughts were cut off due to the sound of the elevator ringing. She saw those old gray corridors with some vines growing on them. Walking out of the elevator, she saw the same walls.

'Everything is still the same'

She saw a room that she never saw before she died. It had 7 coffins with different hearts with different colors. The last one was open though. There was named carved there.


It was a coffin supposedly for Chara, herself. But Toriel changed her mind and tried to find a different way to destroy the barrier.

Walking around the gray corridors kept her having flashbacks from a long time ago. Not only those memories but.......

Past Timelines

Almost drawing near that place where they died always then came back. Again and again like it was a loop. Looking at her knife which was clean and red, a memory flashes back.

She saw her knife all gray and dusty. And a text came out and said:

*You felt your sins crawling on your back.

But now it's different and yet that sentence always comes up on Frisk's mind as she was in front of the entrance of JUDGEMENT HALL.

*You felt your sins crawling on your back.

She shrugged off that sentence out of her mind. She was DETERMINED to end all of this. Then at this very moment she realized that what Chara said was true. She indeed turned into a softie. Like in the past. Now, she is going to move forward.

Even if she has to pay the price for all of them.

She knows what she needs to do. She knows what is the price to save everyone. She knows how much pain she would suffer. But still she wants to do everything for them. She wants to repay all those things with L-... no, not that but this love.

Frisk walked the hall, her footsteps echoing. Birds were chirping as always. It was indeed a beautiful day to be in hell.

Now, she is in the throne room. She stopped for a minute to observe the place. She smiled. She just thought of a wonderful idea. It wasn't that wonderful to others but to her, it was. Taking off the white sheet on the chair that was set aside and putting it beside Toriel's chair. The sight made her nostalgic since she and Asriel always sat there with both Toriel and Asgore.

She looked at her heart locket that was hanging on her neck and started to hold back her tears as her eyes were stinging.

"Azzy, look.... Mom and Dad's chair is beside with each other again."

Wiping off her tears, Frisk moved to the next room to see that it looked like the same place where she fell but no flowers. She now saw the entrance to the BARRIER. What lies ahead is all that she has been looking for.

Taking a step forward made her eyes blind to the light that was coming from the barrier.

But everything changed when she stepped through it.

All of those DETERMINATION and feelings changed.

Alright... This almost has no conversation at all..... Frisky is talking to herself... anyways sorry for this bad chapter.

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