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Another late, late chapter. I know, I wanna punch me too.

I'm SO SORRY! I don't even have a good excuse because it's the holidays!! Hey, don't be mad. Here I'll make it up to you — next update is in 2 days! :)

But uhhhh, I hope you still like this chappy <3

Ps. If you use the Tap app, I've recently made a story there! It's called: GET CRUSHED (yes in all caps lol) check it out, if ya want! xx

CH 14 |

There's a confident, smug look plastered on my face as I walk out of the school grounds. Oh yeah, Phoebe's not the only one who can come up with a brilliant plan!

With the plan that I have in mind, there's not even a chance of jinx when I say it cannot possibly go wrong! Today is the day I find out whether Vincent is the cake-burglar/super-ninja or if he's just his plain, annoying self.

Unlocking my phone, I call Wendy whom answers almost immediately. "Hey Wendy! It's Summer."

"Hi Cupcake!" She beams cheerfully. "I'm so happy you called me. How are you?"

I sigh dramatically, grinning whilst implying, "I'm good, just missing our little baking sessions..."

I can literally feel the sad pout displayed on her face right now. "Me too sweetie, me too... Actually what coincidence you say that, because I'm free this afternoon until 6! Would you like to come over?"

Perfect. My grin widens into a toothy grin. "Sure!"

"Yay! Can't wait! See you soon," And with one last giggle, she ends the call.

My hands make their way into a twiddling-fingers gesture that resembles Mr Burns' when he says 'excellent.' Yup, you guessed it — although I do love making cupcakes with Wendy, I'm also aware of the fact that Vincent also lives in the very same mansion, which therefore makes it the perfect method to make an encounter with him.

Contemplating about the many schemes that I can make in order to somehow see if he has a wound on his upper thigh, this weird feeling begins to manifest in my stomach. It's not a very good feeling, and I don't think it's my diarrhoea coming back either. Could it be because I feel bad for possibly hurting Vincent? Well hey, If he's the ninja who broke into our home and stole not only my dad's stuff but also a slice of our chocolate cake, then he deserves it... right?

That's if the ninja even is Vincent though. Uggh!

Speaking of my dad, I should call him about going over to Wendy's. I open my phone and call him, in which he at first doesn't answer. But after the second ring, he finally does.

"Hey dad." I chirp, hoping that it'll lift his recently plunging spirits.

"Hey darl," He greets back in a gruff voice laced with stressed. "What's up?"

"I just wanna let you know that I'm going to be at Wendy's place. We're going to bake some cakes."

He yawns before replying in a very monotonous voice, "Okay, sounds fun."

"Yep." I fidget with the buttons on my blazer. "Is everything okay, Dad?"

There's a few murmurs and loud shuffling on the other side of the phone. "Everything's fine, don't worry about it. I have to go now, bye sweetie." He ends the call just like that.

"Bye." I whisper, frowning.

It is evident that he hasn't got any sleep since the burglary last night. He's been restlessly talking to his company people on the phone, and even recruited a secret team to find 'the file', or so I've heard from his conversations. Being the little snoop that I am, I've also found out that his one significant file holds the company's biggest secrets and if the public founds out, his life is over.

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