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Surprise surprise! :D

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Earlier that day...

"If there's one thing I've learnt throughout my life, it's that nothing ever goes to plan."

Those are the wise words of my great master whom have taught and guided me through every aspect of martial arts, and they reinforce in my mind as I prop my feet onto the school desk, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch Theo express his superhero-ic plan to me and the gang. Thanks to his student body president reputation, the guy was able to book a classroom so then he can explain to us how his plan will work.

As interesting and boring as his plan is, I couldn't ignore the frequent glances Jai keeps giving me. From the corner of my eyes I can see that the dude is clearly agitated about something, and by the way he's leaning towards me and then leaning back, he's clearly mentally fighting over telling me or not.

After a couple of more moments of him wriggling back and forth like a lunatic, I decide to just make the decision for him. "Spill. Now."

Jai's head finally stays still as he stares at me. From my peripheral vision, I can see his eyes staring at me very widely and on top of that, he doesn't blink for an entire minute.

Reluctantly, I turn my head over to his direction, giving him a why-are-you-being-a-weirdo look. "Jai." I warn, threatening him to tell me or else with the intensity of my eyes. I do not like it when people waste my time. I look down to my watch. Great, he's wasted a minute and twenty-two seconds of my life.

"I-I..." He stutters, giving me a look of pity, a look that I dread seeing. I haven't gotten a look of pity since my potato days, so the fact that he's giving me one alarms me greatly. "I think Summer might be cheating on you."

I stare at him for a long, long time. Not blinking. I think I might've broken a record in doing so. Then, I start blinking. Rapidly. It's now Jai's turn to give me the why-are-you-being-a-weirdo look.

Then, I start laughing out loud, causing Theo to stop talking and all my lads to face me. "Seriously dude? You really think I'd fall for that today, on April Fools Day? Nice try man, but next time, think of something a little more realistic."

Jai frowns, and stands up. "I'm serious bro, Summer is cheating on you, with Theo!" He points over to Theo. "I saw them two getting cozy, and when I walked in they immediately jumped away from each other. Isn't that right Theo?"

Theo just stands there, completely frozen with a facial expression resembles a deer caught in headlights.

I stare at Theo. Is he in this too? Wow, his acting skills are pretty good.

"I-It isn't what it looked like!" Theo stutters.

I'm about to give them a round of applause for their oscar-worthy acting, until Theo's left eye twitches. He does that when he feels guilty about something, just like me.

And that's when I realise that, this shit is real.

"Theo, what the f*** man?" I stand up, full with disbelief.

"No, dude I swear, it is not like that at all." Theo puts his hands up in surrender.

"So you and Summer were 'getting cozy'?" As much as I hate to admit, but it physically hurt to say those words, let alone hear them. My heart clenches painfully, and an overwhelming feeling flows through my boiling blood. What the hell is wrong with me? Not even any physical injury I've had in the past — and believe me, I've had some gruesome ones — had hurt like the unfamiliar pain I'm feeling right now.

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