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I don't mean to sound pushy or anything ahhaha but PLEASE COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK !!

Sometimes I see all these reads and votes, but like two people have commented! It makes me feel like I'm writing for a majority of ghosts! Dx

Thank you so much to those who comment! Your feedback is very appreciated! :') <33

And no thank you to all who don't! Haha jokes, but honestly commenting on literally anything about the book will make me feel more empowered & inspired to write!

Anywhoos, Enjoooy! xx

CH 37 |

It's been twenty minutes after recess has ended and I can't seem to find Phoebe anywhere!

I've been walking all over the school cautiously, trying to hide from two things:

Number one: Teachers! If a teacher catches me out of class, I'm screwed. Hamish and his gang are also screwed. We're all screwed!

And the second thing I'm hiding from, can you guess?

Vincent freaking Taylor.

Like I said, there is no way Jose that I'm ever facing him after that pure mortification—

I abruptly halt in my tracks after turning to another corridor, mentally cursing myself wildly as I stare at the person I most dreaded to see standing in front of me, frozen in place just as I am.

"Summer." Vincent calls, after also simultaneously stopping in his tracks very suddenly, stumbling a little from the impact. He was panting ever so slightly, as if he's also been running around the school, trying to find someone. Hopefully not me.

"Vincent." I slowly state back, before taking off the opposite direction.

"Hey, wait!" Vincent shouts back, before running after me.

I don't dare to look back, but I can hear his thousand dollar shoes against the polished floors of the corrdior, gradually catching upto me.

"Shoot!" I curse under my breath, looking around desperately for something to save me. Fortunately, there was a door on the right side of the corridor that read, 'GIRLS' TOILET'.

I smile in great appreciation. The Heavens are on my side today!

Picking up all the speed on my legs that I can muster, I bolt for the girls' toilets, feeling more proud to be a woman than I ever have before.

Just as I am about to open the door, Vincent grabs my arm and yanks me away so violently that I ram into his chest.

I grunt, hyperactively trying to escape his strong grip on me.

Vincent groans. "Chill, I just want to talk to you!" Well I don't! "I'm not going to hurt you!"

"Ow!" I cry out, before sarcastically replying, "Yeah, I can sooo see that by the way you're squeezing the life out of my arm!"

"Shit, sorry." He eases his grip on my arm, yet still holding on it for dear life.

"Just let me go, Vincent!" I plead.

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