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DAMN. I did not expect so many comments! Where have y'all been hiding? xD

Thank you so much for the comments! Not one of them has failed to make me smile stupidly and uncontrollably :')

Anyways, wow am I updating early today? Heck yeah I am!

Here is a special treat for you guys for a special day!

Merry Christmas everybody, and a happy New Year! <333

Let's sing it together for a couple of minutes-- lol jokes, you may get on with the reading now hehe!

- Yumna xx

C H 38 |

Three times! Three times have I been kidnapped! Am I that much of an easy target?

Oh hell no, not anymore. I'll show them!

I stomp with all my might on the person's foot, causing them to yelp out in pain and jump away. Reacting quickly, I punch the person in the face, which causes them to fall onto the ground, and quickly turn on the lights of the dark and empty classroom that this amateur kidnapper took me into. Not that I'm compaining about this kidnapping skills... Thank goodness they're horrible!

"Nelson?" I exclaim incredulously, staring at him with wide eyes. "What the hell!"

"I-think-you-broke-my-nose!" He chokes, holding his bleeding nose for dear life.

"Sorry!" I apologise automatically, before shaking my head. "I-I meant, that's what you get, punk, for trying to kidnap me!"

"I wasn't trying to kidnap you, I was just need to talk to you!"

I give him my biggest are-you-serious-right-now? glare. "Are you serious right now? How about a simple, 'Hey Summer, I need to talk to you' not freaking cover my mouth and drag me into my possible doom!"

"Because, I had to make sure no one knew about it!" He groans, standing up and walking over to the tissue box on the teacher's desk. "It's about you and your crew's mission to bring down C.H.A.N."

I stare at him wide-eyed, gaping at him. "H-How did you know?!"

Nelson shrugs, pressing the tissues onto his brutally bleeding nose. I felt so bad. "If anyone stalked you for an hour or so, they can figure it out."

"You were stalking me?!"

"It was for research. I needed to know how badly my revenge affected you and I found out immediately when you guys were looking for Levi."

"You knew that Levi is the son of the big man behind C.H.A.N?"

"I know everything."

I gasp excitedly, walking towards him with a hopeful expression on my face. "You know who the big man behind C.H.A.N is?"

"Well, everything except that."

"Oh." My shoulders slump in disappointment. "Wait, how do you know all of this?"

"I was a test subject in C.H.A.N. They wanted to make lethal stink bombs with my 'smelliness' to use as weapons on enemies."

I give him an unamused glare. "No seriously — how do you know all of this?"

The look on his face is priceless to say the least. "I thought you would've fell for that! Who are you and what have you done to Summer Winters?"

I chuckle softly and then exclaim, "Nelson! Stop dodging the question! How do you know everything about C.H.A.N?"

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