Chapter Thirty-Three

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Gerard P.O.V

I needed him to hold me, just for a little while longer. I dropped the blade onto the bed, wrapping my arms around him. If only I could've seen the future. I would've spent every waking minute waiting for him. I wouldn't have wasted so much time on being sad all of the time. I kissed the top of his head, before we pulled away from each other. I reached behind me, taking the blade. He nodded, taking my hand, leading me from the bedroom. God knew that I wanted to stay inside our cabin with him, curled up the old couch watching pointless television. I sighed, and he turned to me.

"Gee. You need to stay strong. You can't let him manipulate you, you know that." He said sternly. I nodded, knowing that he was right. He slammed the door behind us, dragging me towards the cabin. The stones crunched between our feet, sounding like bones breaking. I wasn't afraid, because I had him by my side. Damien wouldn't be able to get to me, not with Frank with me. Frankie have me emotional strength- I was practically untouchable.

Standing by the door, he stopped me. He turned me to face him, looking into my eyes. His eyes were begging me to stay strong, I nodded. For once in a long time I believed that I could accomplish something- something great. Damien would be gone from all of our lives, along with his whore of a sister. Mikey could go home, be himself. Frankie and I could live out the rest of forever here in the wilderness. Well, unless we got bored and needed a change of scenery. We could always return to the scene of the crime. I kissed his forehead, putting a hand on the door.

I felt deeply sorry for Mikey. Damien was humming loudly, driving him completely insane. Mikey looked up, happy to see us. He jogged over to the door, hugging me tightly. We were the best of friends, and I was thankful for Mikey always looking out for his older brother. He pulled away from me, holding me at arms length. "You can sleep at our place, there's blood in the fridge." I said with a smile, he nodded, patting me on the back before making his way over to the door. He winked at Frank, running over to our cabin.

"Frank, are you sitting in or are you waiting outside?" I asked. Half of me wanted him to stay outside, just in case things got messy. The other half of me wanted him with me at all times for moral support. He didn't say anything, taking a chair, sitting behind me. I smiled at him, turning back to Damien. Confidently walking over to him, I ripped the duct tape from his mouth. He screamed at me, lowering his head. Looking him up and down, I saw that his fingers had turned black, and his neck was following that path.

"I need blood, Gerard. Look at me." He hissed viciously, looking intently at Frank. I stared into his eyes, even those had turned a deep, meaningless black. I chuckled, resisting the urge to punch him square in the jaw. He spat at me, I slapped his cheek. He laughed through his pain, but I never felt any sorrow for him. My days of loving him were well and truly over. I loathed him, the thought of me ever loving him made me want throw up. I frowned, as his chest moved up and down rapidly.

"You're not getting any more. You can't drink vampire blood, it's rule number fucking one," I said through my teeth, my face close to his. "Rule number two, is that you don't touch my fucking man, okay? The fact that your lying, grubby little hands touched him make me want to kill you twice over." I said viciously, watching the happiness wash over those evil eyes of his. I scoffed, wanting to plunge that knife into his chest. But, I couldn't do it. Something inside me wouldn't allow me to hurt him. I wanted to punch myself in the face, scold myself for not killing this vermin there and then.

"You can't kill me, Gee. You don't have the guts. Something inside you wants you to keep me alive. Maybe you'll keep us both, you know, like the mormons do. I'd like that." He said slyly, his words hitting me right where it hurt. I couldn't speak, and he knew that he had me wrapped around his little, grimy finger.

"Don't you talk about him like that." I said quietly, turning around. I couldn't look at Frank, so I stared at the ground. Looking at him would form nasty images in my mind, and that was not what I needed. I was shaking by that point, the knife in my back pocket taunting me. As much as I wanted to ram it into his ear, I couldn't bring myself to reach into the pocket and pull it out. I balled my fists at my sides, scrunching up my eyes.

"Maybe, maybe, you'd let me open those pretty little legs of his-" I span around, punching him in the nose. His head jolted backwards, but he was still smiling like the fuck he was. He was laughing hysterically, knowing himself that he had me exactly where he wanted me.

"Don't you fucking dare." I screamed, my teeth were showing. I hadn't gotten this angry since that dick Mad had beaten him up so badly that I was scared that he wouldn't make it. That thought, that one single thought, caused tears to bubble in the corners of my eyes. I couldn't let him see me cry, he'd coax me back to him one way or another.

"You know, you might like it. We could drink his blood, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. After all, I look a lot better when my skin isn't blackening like coal." He chuckled, cocking his head to the side. Black blood was dribbling lazily from his nostrils, his tongue escaped from behind his lips, reaching up to lick away the blood. I turned away, looking at Frank. I could see the pain in his eyes, he didn't like to see me this way. Walking slowly, confidently towards me, he wrapped his arms around me. It was the comfort that I needed. Pulling away form me, he reached up to wipe away the tears. "That's touching. You're making me jealous, I want some attention." Damien said sarcastically, still laughing away to himself.

"Here's your attention." Frank said coldly, his own fangs brushing against his bottom lip. He took the knife from my back pocket, running towards Damien.

Damien gurgled, as his cold, black blood filled his mouth. Spitting it out he looked at me, pain showing in his now, ice-blue eyes. "Gerard?" He called out to me, a tear rolling from his left eye. His head slumped forwards, blood dripping onto the floor. Frank's hand was still holding the knife in his chest, he had the common decency not to twist it in further.
I sank to the floor, mind full of emotions. Frank walked over to me, sitting in front of me, pulling me into a comforting embrace.

"Gerard?" Frank called to me. I looked up, seeing him smiling. I held out my arms to him, he giggled as he ran over to me, sitting on my lap. I pouted, he mimicked me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I think that we need to get away. Not just to the middle of nowhere. I'm thinking of a long, exciting vacation. It's okay if you don't agree with me, I just want to see somewhere other than here." He said confidently, my hands found themselves cupping his soft cheeks. I smiled, he had read my mind. I too thought that we needed to get away, I knew just the place.

"You read my mind baby." I said, pressing my lips to his. His fingers found themselves in my hair, curling around their dark strands. He pulled away, his forehead resting against mine again.

"Where did you have in mind?" He grinned, I pulled a face. I had the perfect place in mind. He could choose from charming countrysides or bustling cities- either of those were as beautiful as each other. He'd love wherever we went, as long as we were together.

"How about, England?"
Song Of The Chapter- Freshbloom by Sundara Karma

1. I'm sorry for the false update alarm earlier, I accidentally knocked my phone with my knee XD please forgive me <3

2. I want to thank everybody that has stuck with this story, Blood, and Vampires Will Never Hurt you from the very very start! Your support makes me a very very happy lil person <3

3. Writing this chapter almost had me crying!! I love this trilogy with all of my heart, and I'm sad to see it end ): however, maybe one day I could write a short story on Frank and Gerard's adventures, I know people might want to see it

Anyway, if you've read all of the stories, let me know what you think about everything ;)

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