The supermarket

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Hey guys I'm updating ALOT today since I got LOADS of story's in!

Despite the multiple warnings he had received, Darren pulled into the parking lot of a large abandoned supermarket. Joey made a dare with him. If he could survive an entire night, Joey would eat a centipede or two. That made Darren smile. Sick stuff like that always did. He parked his car in the slot furthest away from the doors, so as to avoid the attention of the local authorities. He would rather not get dragged out by his ears and arrested for trespassing. He opened his car door and stepped outside into the cold, crisp evening air of his hometown, Derris. He slammed shut the Door of his '98 Corolla and pulled out his Camel Menthol Silvers. He opened the pack and flicked the bottom so that a cig popped up. He caught it between his lips. He had been practicing that for years, even when he wasn't a smoker.

He liked feeling like a bad-ass. He closed the pack and pulled out his lighter, placing the pack in his pocket at the Same time. He flipped the lid of his Zippo brand lighter and flicked the flint. And there was fire. The fire lit his cigarette for him. And the fire was snuffed out by the replacing of the lid. He hit his cig really hard and let the smoke out nice and slow. He began to walk toward the old supermarket, which was rumored to be stalked by the spirits of those that came before him and never made it out alive.

Of course, everyone he knew that had gone in there made it out alive. So he was confused as to how that rumor came to be. As he reached the doors, he saw that it was padlocked. It wouldn't keep him out, it would only make this night more annoying. He took another long drag on his cig and let it out quick, this time. He ran back to his car and opened the trunk. From it, he pulled out a pair of bolt cutters. He ran over to the doors and cut the lock off. Then, he ran back to his car, tossed the Bolt cutters back in the trunk, and closed the trunk lid. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and popped the small blue menthol ball in the filter. That gave it freshness. He liked that. He took another long drag from it and shivered from the flavor. It was a slow shiver that only his head did. He ran back over to the doors and pulled them open.

Dust billowed out from the decaying interior and then, he remembered the reason it was shut down. His mother, Karen, used to work there. The owner murdered her. Brutally. Ever seen the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Not a chainsaw. A branch saw. What a way right into hard skull. Cut it in half... horizontally. They investigated and found seven people buried in the woods behind the supermarket. Yeah. The owner killed them too. Asshole, Darren thought. He walked inside and pulled the doors shut behind him. It was pitch black from then on.

He pulled a small flashlight out of his right pocket and killed his cig with one last hit. Then, he flicked it as far as he could into the darkness. A small red dot flew through the air. He turned his flashlight on, screamed and felt stupid. One of the lights was hanging by its wires from the low ceiling. He was glad he didn't start recording yet. He pulled out a small camcorder from his back pocket, powered it on, and hit record. He turned the front to himself and spoke, "Here I am, Joey. Les Mis Market of Superiority." He spun the camera around slowly and shined the light in all directions with it. Then, turned both back to his face. "Ain't half bad here." Darren walked to one of the counters and shined the light and pointed the cam at it. "I could live here."

He pointed at the counter with his flashlight index finger. "This would be my fucking counter. All of my lays would be gotten here." He ran his fingers over the old splintered wood top of the counter. He ran over to one of the aisles with non-perishables that had been left behind. "Free eats, too." It was mostly re-fried beans. His flashlight went out. "Dick toast!" He shook it. He slammed it against the steel shelves. He clicked it on and off. Nothing. "Okay. So my flashlight went out. Big deal. I'm not going to leave early anytime. But because of this, you eat 3 centipedes." He sat down and rested against one of the shelves, waiting for his eyes to hopefully adjust to the darkness. The shelf began to fall over on him. "Oh Shit!" He got up and ran out of the way and tripped over something. He rolled into the fall and landed on his back. A bit harder than he expected.

The shelf hit the ground, the steel resonating with the vibrations, then stopped. Darren got up, turned around and kicked what he tripped over. It felt soft... and limp... bit stiff at the same time. The flashlight flickered on and shined onto what he had kicked: the body of a young girl. He screamed in fear and ran for the door and tried it when he reached it... But it refused to open. Light burst into being and blinded him, painfully. He fell into his back, covering his eyes. And he slowly uncovered and opened them. He slowly looked around at the... non-decayed interior. And the former owner of the super market stood at the door.

"Karen. You aren't getting a raise." Darren looked around bit did not see his mother. "I have a child too." The man was looking right at Darren.

Darren spoke. "What? I'm not Karen."

The Man: "it doesn't matter. No means no... unless... you want to persuade me..." The man came after Darren and Darren quickly got up and took off running. He sprinted to the edge of the store, the owner on his tail. He hung a left, then a right, then a left and a left. The owner was no longer there... Darren took a moment to think about what was going on, but he couldn't get far with that thought. He heard the sound of a gas powered chainsaw. And seconds later, the disgruntled owner appeared with, not a chainsaw, but a rusty branch saw.

The man:"Karen, I've always loved you." He ran after Darren.

Darren: "Oh fuck me!" Darren ran away from the seemingly crazy shopkeeper.

The Man: "Why couldn't you see that?"

Darren: "This is fucked up, Mr. Battens! You're dead! I'm not Karen!"

The man: "Think about Darren not growing up with a father figure to look up to!"

Darren: "I did just fine without one, thanks!" Darren ran into a dead end and spun around, the owner blocking his escape route... But still running at him... the branch saw aimed at his gut. He crouched to avoid impact and... everything went dark. He felt all over his body... he was alive... and scared so much that he literally shitted his pants. The flashlight was off to his left and the camera was hanging off of his wrist by the wrist strap. He grabbed the flashlight and shined it on his face while pointing the camera at himself... "Okay. You win. I'm gone." He got up and ran for the doors and flung them open.

He bum rushed his car and fumbled with the keys, yet somehow not dropping them. He stuck the car key into the keyhole and turned it. The lock sprang open and so did the door when he turned the handle. He jumped into the seat, slammed the door and stared at his dashboard, attempting to process the events that he just experienced. He just lived his mother's last moments. He understood just how frightening it must have been and he cried... he cried for his mother... he cried for his fear... he cried for the sake of crying... then drove home. He watched the video and found that it had captured everything. When he showed it to Joey the next day, Joey ate 5 centipedes. And, suddenly, for just a moment, Darren forgot all about the events that transpired the night prior.

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