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In the city of Liones, inside a hat shaped pub, a small group of friends hung out with each other, drinking. They were all very unique in their own special way.

There were Holy Knights, a shrunken giantess, a fairy, a wizard, an immortal dude, an apostle of the goddesses, a who-knows-what in glasses, a demon and a small talking pig. All were celebrating their victory over the battle with the two Holy Knight generals.

Most of them were slumped on the floor, too drunk to move. Others were having a drinking contest. The little pig was cleaning up the mess that his companions were making. It was well past midnight when they finished up.
A little figure draped in a traveling cloak walking in the shadows. Inside of that cloak was a small girl, 12 years old. She's been walking through Liones for three weeks, and had eaten all her food.

The girl's medium length black hair blew in the wind. Her brown eyes were glassy with exhaustion. She was very skinny from the lack of food she had.

Soon, she had walked across a small clearing, with a little pub in the middle of the opening. Smiling to herself despite being very tired, she headed to the front of the little building.

As she walked to the steps, her vision got blurry. The girl tried rubbing her eyes to keep herself awake, but it was no use. When she got to the stairs, she collapsed right in front of it, going unconscious.
The next morning, the demon, known as Meliodas, was awoken to the smell of Ban's cooking. He got up from his resting place on the floor, and looked at his surroundings. Most of his companions were awake, though some like Gilthunder,
Hawk, Diane and King were still asleep.

Meliodas walked to the kitchen to find Elizabeth cleaning up after Ban. "Good morning Meliodas-sama! I hope you are feeling well?" Elizabeth greeted him. Meliodas just responded by groaning and waving his hand to her. Elizabeth giggled and went back to her duty. Ban came up to his captain and handed him a plate full of food. Meliodas headed to a table and started eating his breakfast.

Elizabeth headed to the door with a bucket in her hands. "I'll be back guys. I'm going to go fetch some water." She called out. "Be careful, okay!?" Meliodas called back. She nodded and opened the door, only to drop the bucket and scream.
Everyone looked at her direction. And the ones who were asleep bolted right up.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong?" Meliodas asked. Elizabeth answered by running to the bottom of the stairs and kneeling down in front of something. Or someone.

Everyone else followed her and looked at what Elizabeth was apparently shaking. They found a girl lying on her back, wearing a traveling cloak over her white shirt and blue skirt, and blood covered her body. She looked very skinny, so they though that she had malnutrition. The hood of the  cloak was covering the girl's face, so they couldn't identify the person.

"Guys, help me get her inside so I can heal her." Merlin ordered the group. They all helped bringing the girl in and setting her on a small mattress that Hawk brought from upstairs, on top of a table. Merlin looked over the girl once, and then placed her hands above the girls chest.

She then started chanting, and a small glow came from her hands and surrounded the girls body. When the light cleared, she looked much better than before. She wasn't as skinny, and her injuries disappeared.

"Don't worry everyone, she will be waking right about now." Like on cue, the girl woke up.

Everyone looked at her as she tried to  sit up. King helped her sit up properly, and she thanked him with a slight nod.
The girl tried to say something, then cleared her throat her and tried again.

"Hello" she greeted everyone. Her voice sounded sweet and innocent, and everyone greeted her back. Her voice sounded very familiar to Meliodas, but he didn't know why.

Diane walked up to her, bended down to her height, and said, "Hello there! My name is Diane. Can you please tell me what's yours?" The girl looked at her in surprise, then pulled her hood down. "Gomenasai, I should have told you that in the first place. My name is Isabelle, but please call me Bella." She said.

"What are you doing here Bella-chan?" Elizabeth asked. Bella answered by saying,

"I was looking for someone. I've been searching for him for about three weeks, cause my home town got destroyed by a few bandits accompanied by a huge monster." Even though her voice sounded innocent, it sounded like she was pretty smart for her age. She also sounded like she was about to cry.

"You see, my parents got stabbed by one of the bandits, and I have no where to live. I was the only one who survived." Bella said. A single tear slid down her face.

'Damn it Bella! Pull yourself together. And why are you even telling them your life story anyways? These are complete strangers!' Bella thought.

"Who is the person you are trying to find Bella? Maybe we can help. And after words, we can kill the bandits and the monster for destroying your home town." Ban told Bella. He was being really caring since Bella came. Maybe cause he knows what it's like to lose a loved one  from a monster.

Bella open her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything, Meliodas stepped up and said, "I think I know who you're looking for."

Bella looked at him in surprise, then shock, then finally happiness. She started crying, and lunged herself towards him, screaming "Onii-San!"

Meliodas' little sister ((ABANDONED))Where stories live. Discover now