Prologue (continued)

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Bella looked at him in surprise, then shock, then finally happiness. She started crying, and suddenly lunged towards him, screaming "Onii-san!"
She buried her face into his shoulder, and started sobbing. Meliodas hugged her back just as tightly, rubbing her back in a soothing manner. Everyone just stared at her in shock, surprised that she would call their captain onii-san. (Onii-san means "big brother" in Japanese)

Bella kept on sobbing into his shoulder, very happy that she found her onii-san.

When she finally calmed down, Bella looked at everyone crowding around them, her blush evident on her face. Meliodas just chuckled and helped her get off the table she was still on.

Bella looked around at everyone, in awe that she got to see all of Meliodas' friends. Surprisingly, she has never heard of the Seven Deadly Sins, or about Holy Knights. Her home town is very far from Liones. It's amazing that she survived coming to the Boar Hat in the first place.

"Hello again everyone! Sorry for my episode earlier, I just haven't seen my onii-san in two years." Bella said bashfully. She giggle nervously and looked at them. They all smiled back.

"Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Ban, King, Diane, Gilthunder, Merlin, Elizabeth, Howzer and Hawk." Meliodas pointed to each one of the members he introduced.

"Minasan, konnichiwa! (That means "hello everyone") I hope you all except me into your tight group of friends." Bella said, relaxing slightly. Everyone smiled at Bella, until Gowther decided to go to a corner and start reading. That made everyone else go back to their respective stations in the pub, getting ready to open up.

Bella looked at everyone in astonishment. So this is what it's like to work. Her parents were very protective of her when they were alive, not letting her go anywhere that wasn't in their line of sight. That thought just made her tear up again, but she wiped it away and looked at Meliodas.

"Onii-san, what should I do? I don't know how this place works, but I want to help." Bella addressed him. Meliodas looked at her, surprised that she wants to help.

"Sorry Bella, I'm going to make you stay out of the way for today. This place is filled with ale, and you're way too young to handle this stuff." Meliodas responded.

"But I want to help! Besides, King looks younger than me, and he's helping!" Bella protested. "Actually, King is not a child. He is a fairy, so he's about 700-800 years old. I don't really know actually." He said, chuckling.

"Can't I at least help other people?" Bella begged.

At least Meliodas was fine with that. "Okay, you can go help Elizabeth clean up the place before customers arrive." Meliodas said. "Arigato!" Bella squealed and hugged her big brother before dashing off.

When she reached Elizabeth, the older girl smiled at her before saying, "Hello Bella-chan. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Meliodas said that I can help you before the place opens. So, how can I help?" Bella responded.

Pondering on what Bella should do, she hummed to herself while looking around the pub. There were a ton of broken plates lying on the floor. Many tables had plates of food on it, and chairs were knocked down.

"Bella-chan, can you please help me pick up the food on the table? And while you're at it, set the chairs up?" Elizabeth asked Bella. Bella nodded and set to work.

While they were working, Elizabeth looked at Bella and said, "By the way, why do you call Meliodas-sama 'onii-san'?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me why you call him Meliodas-sama." Bella bargained. Elizabeth agreed, so she started to explain.

Meliodas' little sister ((ABANDONED))Where stories live. Discover now