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Warning! Attempted rape in this chapter. Not actual rape, but if you do not like, please don't read it.
Not edited

"'No Derric! You can't just go! Who's going to help me take care of our children?' April called out to her husband. His back was turned to her, his head hanging. 'I'm sorry April. I have to go. You can't just disobey the orders from a royal,' Derric said. 'But you're all I have left apart from our children! I've lost mom and dad, I can't lose you too,' April argued back. Derric turned around and walked back to his love and bent down until their foreheads were touching. 'I'll be back before you know it,' He said, leaning down until their lips-"

"Hey, Bella! Wat'cha doin'?" Ban said, popping up right in front of her. Squeaking in surprise, Bella shot up from her comfortable spot underneath a tree, and threw the book she was reading at Ban's face.

"Ban! How many times do I have to tell you! No scaring me like that!" Bella exclaimed, gingerly picking up her book like one would pick up a baby. 'It's ok my little baby. You're okay. No bends or rips, see?' Bella muttered to her book.

"God, you're crazy," Ban said, laughing like a maniac.

"No, you're the one who's crazy! Honestly, I just got this book, and you make me throw it at you? I'm so mad I could just.... "Bella ended off, thinking up of ways to get Ban back.

"Okay, okay, no need to take drastic measures," Ban drawled out, putting his hands up in half surrender. "I was just going to call you back to the pub. Cap'n is calling you."

"Oh, that's it? Why didn't you say so in the first place?" Bella said, her attitude changing immediately. She started walking back to the tavern, leaving Ban to laugh his ass off.

Walking into the pub, she greeted a few drunken customers and walked to where Meliodas was standing next to a newly fixed window.

"Hello nii-san. Ban told me that you needed me, so here I am," Bella said. She gestured to herself for emphasis. Chuckling, Meliodas greeted her back.

"Hey Bella. So we're going on a small little mission for a while. We'll be gone for about three days, so I'm trusting you to hold down the fort. You better keep everything the way it is, understood?" Meliodas said.

"What? You're leaving again? But you just came back from your last mission about a week ago! Why do you have to leave now?" Bella asked.

"I'm sorry. It was requested by Baltra. And we were promised money. We need that extra money for the bar. You know how it is," Meliodas apologized. "I'll be back before you know it," He added with a wink.

"Okay. I'll keep this place like you left it, which isn't much by the way. Don't expect it to be perfect though," Bella said, giggling slightly. She started walking towards the stairs, passing by Elizabeth along the way. "Ohayo Elizabeth." She greeted.

"Ohayo Bella-chan, Meliodas-sama," Elizabeth said, walking down the stairs. In an instant, Meliodas was right in front of her, giving her a "hug" as he smushed his face into her chest.

"Ohayo Elizabeth," Meliodas' muffled voice was heard from it's place in her chest. Blushing beat red, Elizabeth looked anywhere but where he was.

"Meliodas you pervert! How dare you take advantage of Elizabeth-chan like this!" Hawk said, prying him off from Elizabeth's chest. Glaring at Hawk, Meliodas walked back to his place by the counter.

"I wasn't taking advantage of Elizabeth. Just giving her a hug," Meliodas grumbled.

"Sure, just giving her a hug. Nii-san, don't just go smooshing your face in Elizabeth's chest. We know your desperate, but you don't have to go too far,"Bella said. Meliodas responded by sticking his tongue out.

Meliodas' little sister ((ABANDONED))Where stories live. Discover now