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Hi, I'm back! So who remembers Pelio? Yeah, so I had this little idea pop into my head, and it wouldn't go away. So, here you go.
Also, I promised that I will post a new chapter every week, but I broke it. Gomenasai minna! If you want to know what took me so long to update, just look at the authors note at the bottom of this chapter.
And I forgot to do this, like, 5 chapters ago, so I'll say it now.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Seven Deadly Sins. I only own Isabella, or Bella, depending on what you want to call her.

It was a quiet day. Business wasn't as busy as usual, so Bella got to help out a bit. Regular customers recognized Bella and waved to her with a drunken look (thinking she was another poster girl).

Everyone seemed quiet too. Sure, everyone was their rowdy selves, but it was calmer than usual. No fights have broken out at all that day. Even though Bella liked the calmness, it was kind of boring.

"Hey onii-san, doesn't today seem quieter than usual?" Bella asked Meliodas, who was at the counter cleaning a few mugs.

"It kind of is. Feels weird." Meliodas replied, looking around the tavern.

"It does feel weird. Maybe it's because the bar is emptier than usual. There aren't as many costumers today." Diane commented, looking up from cleaning a table.

"I need to do something else before I explode." Bella complained, banging her head on a table in exasperation. Meliodas stopped her from continuing, hoping that she didn't get a bruise on her forehead.

The day kept on going on. It was a bit boring. The only thing that was remotely entertaining was watching people drunkenly hallucinate. One guy thought that Gowther was his dead wife and tried to hug poor Gowther. He slowly backed away, trying to tell the drunk customer that he was not what he thought he was.

Elizabeth was doing what she normally does, cleaning tables and helping customers. But it seemed that she found the bar a bit quiet today too, as she was tripping way more than usual.

Bella was giving some food to a few customers when she was called by Meliodas. She quickly finished her deed and went over to the counter that he was behind.

"Hey onii-san. You need anything?" Bella greeted him.

"Yeah. Can you do a favour for me? We are kinda low on food, so you need to buy some stuff from the market, I have a list of the things you need to buy right here." Meliodas said. He handed Bella a long piece of paper, and some money in a bag.

"Thanks for this onii-san! I really wanted to do something else. I'll go right now." Bella said, receiving the items that were handed to her. She skipped to the door and left, waving to King, who was outside doing something very suspicious, as she left.

------time skip to a few minutes from now------

When Bella got to the market, it was brimming with people, like always. Kids ran in between people, while their parents bought their necessary things.

Bella left to go find everything they needed. She even bumped into Gilthunder and princess Margaret.

"Konnichiwa Gilthunder-san, Margaret-sama. What are you doing today?" Bella greeted the couple.

"Hello there Bella-chan. We are on an errand. The cook needs some more eggs, and milk, and flour..." Gilthunder said, listing off everything that they needed. Margaret stopped him by putting a hand on his arm and giggling.

"Gil, she doesn't need to know the whole story. As for you Bella, you should get going. We don't know how long Meliodas is waiting for you, and we don't want anyone to worry, now do we?" Margaret said.

Meliodas' little sister ((ABANDONED))Where stories live. Discover now