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A/N Hey people who are reading this fanfiction! Thanks to those very few people who read this, I'm very grateful!
Anyways, I'm going to update about every week or so because of life. So, enjoy!
Bella woke up to the sound of fighting again. It happened every morning. It was pretty much her alarm clock.

Sighing, Bella got out of her bed and walked to the closet. She put on her regular outfit of a white button up shirt, a blue tie, a blue skirt, and brown boots. Meliodas gave it to her the day after she came to live with them. She was very grateful that she had clothes other then the ones she wore when she first came there.

Speaking of Meliodas, Bella heard him saying something along the lines of, "You ungrateful immortal piece of junk!" She'd bet anything that he was talking about Ban. (What I said about Ban isn't true. I don't hate him)

'Ever since I came here, they've been fighting more often. I mean, they looked all happy and junk when I first came here. Is the reason that they're fighting because I came here?' Bella thought, tearing up a bit. She automatically wiped it away. She couldn't risk anyone coming up there and seeing her cry. That would be embarrassing.

Bella walked down the stairs, peaking behind the wall that separated the bar from the stairs. A few tables were upturned, and a bit of ale has spilled on the ground. Ban was on one side of the pub, while Meliodas was on the other.

"You heard me, captain" Ban said, putting emphasis on the word captain. "You weren't strong enough to save Elizabeth. After that, you weren't there when Diane was on the brink of death. And you didn't help King when Helbram came into the picture. And what about Gowther? You weren't there either. You weren't there for any of your friends." He taunted.

Bella looked at her onii-san. He was getting angrier with every word that came out of Ban's mouth. No one made a move to comfort him, as they were too scared of the consequences.

"And what about Bella?" Ban sneered. "When her home town was destroyed by a fucking monster, you weren't even aware of it. So much about being the kind and loyal older brother you are."

"At least I wasn't there when Elaine died. You didn't save her, didn't you?" Meliodas countered back. "She died right in front of you, and you didn't do anything."

Ban growled at him before lunging at him. Meliodas met with him half way. As they were trying to rip each other's throats out, Bella suddenly screamed.

"Stop!!! What are you guys doing? Are you trying to kill each other?" Bella screamed. That caused both of them to stop and look at her in surprise.

"This son of a bitch can't die Bella." Meliodas said in a monotone voice, then punched Ban in the face. This caused him to knee Meliodas in the stomach, and the fight continued.

Bella sunk to the bottom of the stairs and put her head in her hands. 'I knew it. They're fighting cause of me. I should leave.' Bella thought. She got up and stepped in front of the fighting boys. (A/N that is very dangerous Bella!! What do you think you are doing girl?)

"Okay guys, enough! I've had it with you two. If you're fighting because I'm here, I'll leave. Just stop!" She said demandingly. They both stared at her in surprise and backed down.

"What do you mean you're going to leave Bella?" Meliodas asked. "Well, you've all been fighting ever since I came here. I mean, sure you were all happy when I first came here, but you guys have started to fight non stop. If it's because I'm living here with you all, then I'll leave." Bella answered.

Everyone stared at her in shock. Why would their little Bella think that?

Diane walked up to Bella and tapped her shoulder. She spun around at looked at the older girl.

Meliodas' little sister ((ABANDONED))Where stories live. Discover now