School Bullies

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Konnichiwa minnasan! So, I feel like the beginning is a bit rushed.
Anyways, this is another chapter of "Meliodas' little sister." *says in dramatic voice* *coughs* sorry. Was choking on air.
Bella woke up screaming, tears running down her face. She just had another nightmare. She dreamed of monsters and robbers stabbing people behind their backs.

'God, another nightmare. I hate this.' She thought bitterly. 'I just want to be normal like everyone else in the town. When will these nightmares end?' Bella pulled her knees into her chest and started sobbing.

A few moments later, she felt herself being pulled into another persons chest. She looked up to see Meliodas looking down at her in concern. He was rubbing his hand up and down soothingly on her back. Bella put her face in chest and cried.

Her crying gradually decreased, and it turned into small hiccups. She got out of Meliodas' strong arms and looked away in shame.

"Thanks nii-san. Sorry you had to go through all that. I bet you didn't want to." Bella said, trailing off at the end.

"What do you mean? I didn't mind at all." Meliodas said. "Anyways, you should get ready now. It's almost time to go to school." His childlike answer made her giggle slightly, but after realizing what he said, she gasped and shot up.

"Nononononononono, I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late." Bella said, running around the room like a chicken with its head cut off.

She quickly ran to the closet and took out her school uniform. It consisted of a white button-up shirt, a grey tie, grey shoes, and a grey skirt that barely went past her bottom.

"I still disapprove of your school uniform, you know." Meliodas said, watching Bella run around.

"But you like it when other girls where something like this, especially a certain bar maid." She replied, wiggling her eyebrows in emphasis. She was pleased to see Meliodas blushing a deep red.

A knock ran through the room, coming from the door. Three knocks was all it took to get the siblings to pick themselves up and answer the door. They found Elizabeth behind the door, looking embarrassed for some reason. (She heard the conversation)

"Uh, just wanted to tell you guys to come down soon, Hawk's orders. And Bella, your lunch is ready, so you can go straight away." Elizabeth said, and ran off.

"Huh, I wonder what was with her. She seemed kind of off, don't you think, nii-san." Bella said, smirking at him. His response was dragging her down to the bottom of the stairs, his face facing away from hers to hide his blush.

When they got to the bottom of the stairs, Hawk jumped out at them, starting a lecture about lateness and the importance of school, and how Maliodas was distracting Bella way too much.

"Hawk-chan, if you don't stop lecturing me about this, I'll be late for school, and you don't want that." Bella said, side stepping to King to avoid Hawk's wrath. He handed her a paper bag filled with her lunch, and her school back-pack. She ran out, staying ten feet from Hawk so she won't get in trouble.

"Bye Bella-chan! Learn lots!" Diane said from a window in the boar hat. She waved back and ran to school to avoid being late.
------time skip to lunch------
"Hey, Bella! Remember me? It's Eve, the girl you met at the beach!" A red-headed girl walked up her and waved.

Meliodas' little sister ((ABANDONED))Where stories live. Discover now