You look good together

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"So are you telling me that you actually talked to Seulgi in person? AND you're doing a special stage together?" Taehyung plopped right next to me and stared soulless in space. "Are you fucking kidding me? When did you become this lucky?"

I bursted out in laughter because of his straightforwardness. But he's right though, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to get this chance.

"Hey, it took me trials and errors before I even got to speak with her. What about you? Did you actually tried to say something to Irene, or do anything else other than just liking her from afar?" He frowned at my statement, but I just playfully pushed him off of my bed.

"THAT HURT!" He pouted, "..but your words hurt even more."

"Because it's true?" I laughed.

"Funny. Since when did you have some sense of humor?" Taehyung glared. I just shook my head and pointed at the door with a sly smile on my face. "Get out. I need to sleep early. We have practice, and I have to see Seulgi tomorrow." Taehyung rolled his eyes and stood up while badmouthing me back. Mumbling "asshole", but I still heard it.

"Yah! If you want advice, I'll give you one if that makes you feel better!"

"Gee.. Thanks, but no thanksㅡ"

"Taehyung," I called. And with just that he stopped right in front of the door. Knowing his stubbornness, he could've left that easily. But I saw that he actually wanted to listen to what I have to say, that hopeless rascal.

"What now Jimin?" He turned to face me and I just briefly smiled at him.

"If destiny doesn't let you meet her, make your own fate and find her on your own. That's what I did. Have courage."

He scoffed. I witnessed how he became tensed, with his fist clenched. Although before he left my room, the words he left behind got me pondering the whole night.

"Even if I do find her on my own, will she even look my way?"


"Yo Jimin! Wassup?"

"Oh, Taeminㅡ" Practice will begin any minute, yet here I am being a sly fox instead of going straight to my group.

I decided to take a sneak peek at where the other team was going to practice, but I got caught by one of my closest friends, Taemin. And what a coincidence, he happened to be with his co-workers from his company, Ten and Seulgi. "ㅡhi."

"Dude what's with that long pauseㅡpft. Nevermind." He side-eyed Seulgi and I managed to scowl at him without being noticed by the two. Phew.

Besides my members, Taemin also knows that I have this big fat secret one sided love for Seulgi. But I didn't tell him, apparently I blurted it out one time I was drunk.

"Ah, hello! Sunbaenim!" Ten greeted with such enthusiasm, leaving a fatherly smile on my face. "Oh! Lalisa!ㅡI mean...excuse me for a while. Annyeong!"

The three of us could only laugh at how Ten's face lit up the moment he noticed Lisa, who just about entered the room. Amazing. I wish I could be like him.

"Hey! What a coincidence right, Jimin?"

"Huh? W-what coincidence?" My palms began to sweat, getting nervous because of Taemin. He could've picked a better time to tease me! Preferably when Seulgi isn't here!

"That we're in this project together too! Remember our duo planned? Isn't it insane how we're gonna perform on the same stage twice?! Who would've thought, who would have imagined? Isn't this fate?" I assume that he was purposely making his voice louder for Seulgi to hear. Right on time, our eyes met when Taemin said the word fate, but luckily she had no clue on what he was trying to do.

"You guys are performing together? A duo stage?" Seulgi's eyes widened and smiled so brightly at meㅡI mean us, and we just nodded as our response. "That's awesome!" she exclaimed.

"You mean I'm awesome, Seulgi." Taemin bluffed, making me laugh sarcastically.

"Ah! But wait, do you know Jimin, Seul?" Taemin looked worried about not properly introducing us to each other, but I guess it's because I didn't tell him that I already approached her before. I should probably explain nowㅡ

"Eoh. I know who he is," she smiled and glanced briefly at me. "I know that he's also a great dancer like you, Oppa. Singing and dancing, he's talented. He's awesome too."

"Yeoksi. As expected of BTS." Taemin clapped and hung his arm around my shoulder so casually, smirking the next minute. He looked so proud of me.

I tried so hard not to smile like an idiot in front of her yet I became bashful in the end.

"You know what? You two got chemistry. How about Seulgi and I switch? No, I mean Jimin, let's switch instead. I can do modern dance no sweat! You want to be in the street dance group? You guys would look good together in one team."

"Hyung stop itㅡ"

"Okay team let'sㅡOh, Jimin-ssi. What are you doing here? Your group is at the other side of this hall." The dance instructor came right on time before my cheeks flushed the color of pink. Although she noticed me right away, since we were standing near the door.

I looked around and noticed that I was indeed the only one who doesn't belong in this group. I could only awkwardly laugh at her. "Ah. Sorry for disturbing saem. I'll be on my way then." (Saem is like the shorter hangul version of teacher/instructor.)

"No, no. It's not a problem. You can visit your girlfriend on breaks if you want to."

"G-girlfriend? A-ah." I scratched the side of my cheek and noticed how Seulgi's expression suddenly changed. Was she sad? "I mean, no, I'm not dating anyone saem."

"Really? I thought you two were."

"Who saem? Me and Jimin?" Taemin pointed out and looked at me disgustingly, "Hell no." making the whole class laugh at our reaction.

"Silly. Not you. I'm talking about Park Jimin and Kang Seulgi." She smiled at our direction and nodded approvingly.

"You two, look good together."


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