Welcome to my House

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The Batjet was crowded, a huge group of the league were all squashed inside the jet for the long flight. Kee flew ahead of the jet, leading the way for them, her black cloak billowing around her and making it easy for Batman to pilot the jet behind her.

They'd flown over Australia a few hours ago, and now Kee was leading them to the Never Never where she'd lived most of her life before coming to America. 

The group inside the plane was becoming fidgety, itching to do something after the long flight. They were comprised of Batman, Robin, Red Hood, Superman, Green Lantern, Captain Marvel, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Green Arrow and the Flash. Sadly, they'd had to bring Kaldur, needing at least two people with water bending abilities. They'd be keeping a close eye on him though.

The rest of the league had to stay behind and protect F.I.S.T.

" I'll go see how much longer the flight will be," Hal murmured, wanting to talk with his daughter.

He received a nod from Superman, and he opened the hatch, activating his ring and flying swiftly to catch up to Kee. When he did he noticed that she was concentrating hard, scanning the land below them with keen eyes.

" The passengers are getting angsty, do you know how much longer the flight will be?" Hal asked quickly, flying close beside her.

She looked over at him, slightly surprised at his appearance.

" We're about half an hour out, we're over the region but I need to get us to base," Kee assured, flashing him a smile.

Hal nodded and flew back towards the jet, intent on telling them the time of arrival.

They touched down in possibly the driest looking landscape that Hal had ever seen. All around them was dry, dusty ground with rocks and trees peppered around. The trees had grayish white trunks and dull greenish brown leaves that looked just as dry as everything else. The heat was intense, making his suit feel incredibly uncomfortable when he stepped outside. Kee slowly floated down to the ground and landed on a small rock.

When the heroes had assembled in front of her she decided to start the instructions on how to get to base. They'd anonymously nominated her as guide for this mission since she knew the area better than any of them.

" Okay, since some of you won't be able to understand my sign language soon I'll talk while I'm able. First tip, make as much noise as possible when you step, it's snake season and this bushland is crawling with them.

 Drink as much water as you can when you get thirsty, dehydration is a killer out here. Don't get lost or separated, make sure you have at least one person with you t call for help as most of the wildlife will be dangerous around here. 

We only have a short walk to base but memorize the way for the future. 

Finally, welcome to the Northern Territory," Kee said, feeling breathless when she finished speaking, hating how by the end of her instructions her voice was strangled sounding as it died away.

The look of frustration on her face told the league that she couldn't instruct them verbally any further for now. 

Following her as she began the trek up the familiar path that she'd trekked through as a child, she was happy that they were following her instructions, stepping loudly. There was no worry that anyone would hear them, barely anyone lived out here near her home.

Her mother had found an abandoned home and they'd set up in there, if she remembered correctly it would be big enough for the league to set up in if they didn't mind sharing rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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