Chapter 2: Super Hero/Princess Problem

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It felt like years listening to Ms. Bustier's lecture when the bell rang, everyone excitedly ran to the door as Me, Alya, Adrien and Nino were the only once left. Ms. Bustier went to us with a smile across her face.

"Marinette, Since you're from China, Your parents already approved for you to attend this school field trip before we announce this event to everyone. Is it okay for you to give us a tour in four weeks while were in China?" Ms. Bustier asked. I nodded and smiled at her. She returned the smile.

"Wonderful! And also, the four of you will be in first class when we get to our plane." Once Ms. Bustier said that, Nino and Adrien high-five as Alya squealed in excitement.

"Thank you." I said. She nodded and walked outside the room. Alya squealed louder and suddenly hugged me tight.

"Ack--! I- Aly--Ack! I can't bre..." I didn't finish my sentence when someone pulled me out of Alya's grip, I looked up only to see Adrien with his arms wrapped around me protectively. I blushed madly but hid it anyway.

"Are you trying to kill her?" Adrien asked as his eyebrows furrowed. Alya laughed nervously while staring at me and Adrien.

"Sorry." Then suddenly she gave us a meaningful look with a huge grin across her face. She whispered something to Nino which cause him to smirk at us. I looked at Adrien in confusion as he only shrugged in response.

"Dude, Is there something your not telling us?" Nino asked as he wrapped his arms around Adrien's neck.

"No?" Adrien said but more like a question. Nino eyed him suspiciously.


"Yes. Why? What do you mean anyway?" Adrien asked. Nino pointed in our position with a smirk still visible in his face. Me and Adrien exchange glances until we realize, Adrien's been wrapping his arms around me protectively.

Adrien immediately put his arms down as I blushed red velvet. I cleared my throat as so is Adrien while Alya and Nino snickers from behind. I crossed my arms and looked at her deadpanned. She raised her hand in the air in surrender.

"Psh! Let's go. I want to go home." I said. I grab my bag and head outside the room.

"Wait, Marinette!" I heard Alya said. I turned to see her who is running towards me. Panting, she rested her hands on her knees.

"Even when your walking, your so fast!" She exclaimed. I smiled sheepishly and continue my walk, Alya following behind.

"Anyway, Alya, I can't come with you today. I have to talk to my parents about something important. Is it okay with you?" I said to her. She smiled at me while nodding her head.

"No problem! I'm with my LadyBlog anyway." Alya put her hand on my shoulder in reassurance. I smiled.

"See ya!"

"Bye!" I waved goodbye at her as she walked on the other side.

"Wow! A trip to China? Isn't that exciting?" Tikki suddenly popped her head out as she gleamed in excitement. I only response with a hum. She looked at me confuse.

"Marinette, you seems so worried. Is there any problem?" Tikki asked. I looked at her with hesitation.

"There is a problem, Tikki!" I cried as I ran a hand in my hair in frustration.

"Well, what is it? You know, you can tell me." Tikki said with a smile so I smiled back.

I trust Tikki, and I'm not going to keep this secret from her. I have to tell her as my friend. After all, she has the right to know since, she's LadyBug's kwami who is a princess in a different country.

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