Chapter 7: Traitor

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-Weiyang Palace-

After Sabine and Tom arrived.


"Your majesty, may I present to you, His and Her royal Highness. Empress Sabine and Emperor Tom." My head perk up upon hearing the announcement.

As the guard shouted the announcement to us, My head perked up as Emperor Hwan stood on his feet as well as me and the members of the council. The doors burst open, revealing Tom and Sabine in their hanfu clothing. I stared at them knowingly as we all immediately bowed our heads as both of them marched up until they reach the Emperor.

"My daughter!" Emperor Hwan immediately gave his daughter a hug, along with Tom.

"Papa." Sabine called as a tear escape her eye but her father immediately wiped it off.

"Welcome home." Emperor Hwan greeted. Tom and sabine smiled then nodded. Me and the member of the royal council took our seats.

"I didn't know you were coming." Emperor Hwan said in surprise after he hugged his daughter. 'Me neither.' I thought. Sabine just giggled at him.

"We didn't expect it either, Father. But when we got the message that you were planning on crowning Marinette as the crowned Princess of China, we just had to go back." Tom said with a chuckle.

"Well, I am getting old." He chuckled along with the other members of the council. But I stayed quiet. "Oh... and, that reminds me, where's my xiao (little) Marinette?" Emperor Hwan said, looking behind Tom and Sabine, searching for his granddaughter. Sabine smiled.

"She's not here yet. Tomorrow she'll be here. Their school just won an award and as their reward, a trip here in China. She'll be at Guangzhou airport tomorrow." Sabine explained. Emperor Hwan nodded while rubbing his chin.

"But, she did have some problems about this. By coming home here in China, her classmates will know that she's the princess. She did kept this a secret for 11 years." Tom added which surprise me and the Emperor. 11 years? Hm . . . Interesting . . .

"11 years? And she didn't tell anyone? Not even one?"

"She did tell someone about it. Her best friend. She just told her yesterday." Sabine exclaimed with a glint of proud for her daughter. Emperor Hwan smiled but soon turned into coughing which cause me to smirk secretly. Sabine and Tom stared at worriedly.

"Father, are you okay?" Tom asked. Emperor Hwan only nodded at him and smiled faintly.

"No worries. I'm fine." He said but then he continued coughing. The plan is working perfectly!

"Let's just take you to your room." Sabine suggested. Emperor Hwan only nodded at her.

"Allow me to take him to his room, Your highness. It is time for his medicines." I stood up from my seat and guided Emperor Hwan out of the royal council's room to his room.

-Third Person-

Once they were away, Tom and Sabine turned and face the rest of the council with a concerned look towards the Emperor.

"Since when did father became sick?" Tom asked in disbelief. Lei Ling, one of the council, hesitate for a bit but said something eventually.

"After he announced to the public that Xiao Marinette will be crown as crowned Princess of China." Lei Ling replied while Tom and Sabine exchange worried glances.

"What's his desease?" Sabine asked.

"I'm afraid even the healers can not figure it out." Peizhi, one of the council, chimed in. Sabine's shoulders dropped as a confuse face went across her face.

"What?" Tom asked. Peizhi only nodded his head.


Once Emperor Hwan and the Prime Minister arrived at the royal Emperor's chamber, He immediately assist Emperor Hwan on laying on his bed. The royal bedroom was all chinese theme just like their history but in more modern style. A massive white and red king style bed layed at the center of the room. A two big windows are in each corner of the room as tall golden bamboos stood beside the bed and cherry blossom walls surrounds the room. Golden vases with lotus's cascading, tables, marble desk, velvet chairs and woredrobes.

While Emperor Hwan is resting on his bed, the Prime Minister went to the corner of the room where the herbal plants held. He took a small bowl and started mixing the plants, in a way to let his majesty drink his medicines.

"My xiao Marinette will be arriving China tomorrow. Have you already sent Xhin Lee at Guangzhou airport for Marinette and her friends? Please, Let her know that I want to see her." Emperor Hwan said. The Prime Minister turned to him as he carried the bowl with the medicine and nodded at him.

"Yes, your majesty." He bowed down as a show of respect and gave the medicine to Emperor Hwan.

Little did the Emperor know, after he made the medicine, he added a single drop of poison to the herbal for him to drink with an evil smirk crept across his face. That poison will give him unknown decease that will slowly lead to his death.

"Keep drinking it, your majesty. Soon enough you will no longer rule China." He thought to himself.

Darn you, Prime Minister!!
Is it good? Tell me! Welp, here's another chapter with the traitor. I have to tell you this is all my original plot of the story with the help of my little sister . . .

Anyway, Weiyang's picture is at the media above ☝ It's a real palace in China, known as the most biggest castle in history...

Spots on everyone!🐞

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