Chapter 3: Get Ready!

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After lunch, I went straight to school, a bit too early, waiting for Marinette to come. And speaking of, I've been having suspicious on Marinette since Ms. Bustier announced our trip to China. I bet there's somethings wrong, because I know she wouldn't act all frozen shock if there isn't. Obviously I know because I'm her best friend.

While I'm waiting outside the school, I've been updating my LadyBlog when I saw Nino and Adrien. They wave at me, so I waved back at them with a smile. Once they got near me, Nino sat on the stairs as I leaned my back on the wall, my fingers going crazy on phone. While Adrien just sat there staring at the road.

A few minutes later, We saw Marinette crossing the road with a nervous, worried and sad expression on her face. And she's walking while paced out, not focusing her attention on the road. A loud beep was heard and that's when my eyes went wide. She's going to get hit by a Car!

"MARINETTE!!" Adrien shouted as he ran to save Marinette. Me and Nino following behind.

"Marinette, LOOK OUT!" I shouted but she didn't heard me. Our other classmates ran towards us when they heard my shout.

I saw how Marinette's eyes widen when she saw a car coming in her way. She froze in her place. But before she was going to get hit by a car, Adrien pulled her out of the way and hugged her tightly in his arms. All came to a slow motion.

When me and Nino reached them, Marinette's been crying her heart out on Adrien's arms. Adrien was soothing her to calm down. Kim, Alix, Ivan, Nathaniel, Juleka, and Rose crowded Marinette, worried expression visible to their faces.

"Marinette! Oh my gosh!"

"Hey, are you okay?"

"What happened, Marinette?"

"Marinette, Are you okay?" Adrien asked, concerned. Marinette only nodded and wiped her tears away. She broke away from Adrien's hug and grabbed her bag that was on the ground.

"Seriously, girl, what happened, huh? You've been pacing out while crossing the road." I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Nothing. I... It's just... No, I'm okay." She smiled faintly which confuse me. I stared at her in disbelief.

She's never been acting like this way before. She's always happy and I've never even seen her cry, except, of course, frowning or on the edge of crying but she can avoid those things by thinking positive thoughts.

"I'm fine." She repeated. She put my hand away her shoulder which confused me more.

"Are you sure?" We all asked. She nodded.

"Anyway, t-thanks for saving me, A-Adrien." She stuttered, sincerely, looking into the blonde boy's eyes.

"It's okay, Marinette. Just... be careful next time." Adrien smiled but there is a slight hint of worry. Marinette looked down and head inside the school leaving us. Kim, Alix, Ivan, Nathaniel, Juleka, and Rose followed Marinette later on.

The three of us were the only ones left, exchanging glances with a confuse and worried look.

"Something is wrong..." I whispered. Nino and Adrien nodded.


"Good Afternoon, everyone."

"Good Afternoon, Ms. Bustier." We greeted back. She smiled.

"Good news, guys! We've called each of your parents, informing them about our award on winning the best school of Paris and the trip to China and, guess what, they all approved!" Ms. Bustier announced with a glint of excitement. Everyone in the classroom erupted with cheers.

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