Chapter 9: Shanghai Airport

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When we entered the Shanghai airport to grab our other huge luggage, many of the chinese people noticed Marinette's presence and would basically bow their heads in respect which cause for our classmates to be confuse but in the other hand, bowed their head as well and might be thinking that this is their way in greeting someone. Which cause me to laugh secretly all by myself.

Marinette and I would most likely give them a slight bow and then Marinette would secretly shook her head at the Chinese people signaling that don't bow at her for now. I think they understand it as they nodded their heads. Marinette looked at me and then would let out a sigh of relief.

Once we all got our luggage, we waited at the exit of Shanghai Airport as to what Marinette said. She said, we have to wait for Chen- Xen- Han- Wait, Xhin Lee! Yes, she said that we have to wait for Xhin Lee, whoever that guy is. Ms. Bustier agreed with her for basically Marinette's our 'tour guide' in China.

"Alya, the worried-ness are getting into me!" Marinette whispered at me in panic. I stared at her confuse and at the same time worried. I know what she meant. We were so close earlier ago. The dudes are going cray-cray and confuse but luckily, those Chinese people understand Marinette's order.

"Don't worry, Marinette. Nothing will go wrong. At least I hope." I said to her, muttering to myself the last part. I don't want her to get more worried. She's too worried that our classmates might find out soon, about her being the Princess of China. I wonder what would Chloe do? Pfft!

"Alya, excuse me for a bit." Marinette said. I nodded as she walk away and went to Ms. Bustier.

"Ms. Bustier, Excuse me for a bit. I have to go to the rest room." I heard her say to Ms. Bustier. I saw that she nodded at her as Marinette scurried away to the rest room with a hand bag in her hand.


As I reached the rest room, I immediately went inside and luckily, no one is here. I stared at the huge mirror in front of me with a worried look. Now that we're here, things might get a little out of hand. If they'll find out, what will they do? I'm sure they'll hate me for lying and hiding my secret. But then I have a good reason, right? Oh! This is giving me headache.

"Relax, Marinette. Nothing will go wrong for now." I heard Tikki said. I looked up and saw that she's already floating above my head. I gave her a thankful smile as she nodded her head.

"Thank you, Tikki. What would I do without you?" I said softly as I kissed her head. She giggled.

"Probably, lock yourself up to your bathroom and will never come out?" She joked. I laugh at her.

I put my hand bag in the sink and opened the zipper. I took a plastic bag with a blue raven hair extension. Tikki looked at me in confusion as I just smiled at her. I put the hair extension in my hair while I'm looking at the mirror. (Media above☝)

I grabbed a hair pin and a hair clasps. The generic term for hairpins and hair clasps is ji. A one bar ji keeps coiled hair in place, and a two bar ji is a feature of the hairstyle itself. I tied my hair using both bar ji.

"That's very beautiful, Marinette." Tikki complimented. I said my thanks and put a light make up.

Once, I've finish, I threw the plastic bag away, let Tikki get inside my purse and exited the rest room. As I walked my way out of the Airport a lot of people bowed their heads on me and a lot of press crowded me and asked me a lot of questions but I asked them to do this later and not post this on social media. They followed my ordered as I thanked them.

Once, I reached the class that is still waiting, I called them out. All of them turned around and saw me, with their eyes wide and mouth hanging agape. I giggled at their reaction except for Alya who just laughed while shaking her head.

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