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Andrea returned to the hotel room and glanced around, taking in the empty spaces where his bag and things were. She grabbed the note left on the table before running for the bathroom, nauseous from the teacup spinning too fast and nauseous from the goodbye she was forced to have.

She turned to the note and crumpled it, chucking it into the toilet bowl and flushing it down with her vomit. She walked back out into the room and grabbed her phone, answering the ringing.

"Andie? Oh my God, finally, where are you?"Alexandra questioned worriedly.

"I'm fine... I just needed a trip away from Mystic Falls,"Andrea answered and crashed down onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling in deep thought.

She heard someone grab the phone away from Alexandra and she prepared herself for a lecture.

"What the hell, Andrea? We were worried,"Jackson scolded.

"You can't just disappear like that in a town full of vampires,"he said.

"I know, I'm sorry, Jack. Look, I'll be fine. I'll be back within a few weeks, I just went on a trip,"she reassured.

"With who?"he questioned.

"Because coincidentally, guess who isn't in town too,"he said.

She groaned and rolled her eyes.

She loved Jackson like her own brother, and it was times like these that really brought out the protectiveness in him. They had each other's back and it was all they had before he had his own family and she had her own life of disappearances.

Andrea never stayed anywhere.

"You know this was gonna happen. I don't stay in one place, Jack, and like I said, I'll be back,"she said.

He heaved out a sigh.

"Take care of yourself, Andie, please."

Her lips lifted into a smile.

"I love you guys,"she hung up.

She groaned and ran back into the bathroom as the vomit fell out of her mouth again.

Goddamn Ezekiel Mikaelson.

She stayed in bed the rest of the night, pondering and wallowing in his absence.

She ran to the bathroom again in the morning, head pounding and body exhausted from throwing up all night.

It carried on over the course of the next few days until it pushed her to stand in the aisle with the pregnancy tests options in front of her.

Her hand hesitantly reached out for one.

"I'd recommend this,"a lady grabbed one from the bottom shelf and handed it to her with a sweet smile.

"It's more accurate,"she said.

"Thanks,"Andrea nodded.

She waited for the lady to walk away before grabbing another four of different brands each. She headed back to the hotel and peed on all five tests, lining them up side by side on the bathroom counter.

She dialed for Ezekiel's phone.

"The number you have dialed is no longer available-"

"What the hell?"she frowned and tried again, receiving the same message.

He disappeared.

He really disappeared and she had no idea where he was or how she was going to tell him.

She reluctantly stood up and turned to the tests lined up, each one of them showing different symbols of positive.

"He's a vampire,"she scoffed and buried her face in her hands.

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