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Ezekiel glanced down at Marcel with a bloodied hole in his shirt while Elijah laid in a pool of blood he chocked up and Niklaus recovered from the turn.

He folded his arms and heaved out a sigh.

"You guys look like shit,"he said as Elijah sat up.

"Where is Andrea?"Elijah questioned.

"She's fine, she's back at the mansion with Hayley to gather her things and rest,"Ezekiel answered and helped his brother up.

They turned to Marcel as he stirred from his unconsciousness.

"Well, isn't this monumentally awkward,"Elijah muttered and extended a helping hand toward him.

Niklaus grumbled a thousand curses under his breath and pulled his phone out, dialling for their sister.

"Rebekah, where are you?"Niklaus questioned.

Only two important words went through Ezekiel's ear out of the entire conversation and it was when his brother said poison and Davina all in the same sentence.

"Have you gone mad?"Ezekiel stormed toward him, only to be pushed back by Elijah and Niklaus smirked.

"There is no dealing with those who threatens us... This was Davina's choice, not mine,"Niklaus said and hung up the call.

"She's a child, Nik!"Ezekiel yelled.

"A child."

How safe would his daughter be around his brother if he could easily poison a teenager?

"What happens if my daughter decides to rebel against you? Will you poison her too?"he scoffed.

Niklaus laughed bitterly.

"The stench of your judgement is overwhelming,"he said.

"Need I remind you that Davina just bested the lot of us? I did what had to be done. Your daughter will be safe under my protection."

"Davina is family. She is Marcel's family and she is under my protection,"Ezekiel glared.

He turned to Marcel who gave him a look of promise that Davina was going to be okay.

They must've conjured a plan to keep her alive and Ezekiel was grateful for it.

"I cannot stand you,"he muttered to Niklaus and stormed away, opting to drive to the mansion to pick up the girls instead of dealing with his maniac brother.

"You're here early,"Hayley said as she helped Andrea into the car.

"Stuff went down at the compound,"Ezekiel glanced at her through the rearview mirror.

"Here's to praying that our children will be the better versions of us... of Klaus,"he said.

Andrea fell fast asleep in the backseat as he started the car, taking his time to head back to the compound.

"Is she okay?"he questioned.

"She's fine. She's just been tired a lot,"Hayley reassured.

"Try being seven months pregnant for a day,"she said and huffed.

Hayley's own bump had started to grow over the last few weeks and Andrea grew closer to the birth of little Aster.

"I found out the gender,"Hayley smiled.

"I'm having a boy,"she said.

Ezekiel smiled with her, feeling a spark of excitement at having a nephew.

It would be like having a second child. A son and someone he could guide through their family.

 A son and someone he could guide through their family

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