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"Zeke?"Andrea called out when she heard the sound of the door downstairs.

She got down from her bed and grabbed the wooden bat she kept behind her door for emergencies. Cautiously, she walked down the stairs.

"Hello, love. What a pleasure to meet you."

She raised the bat at the sight of Niklaus Mikaelson and he grabbed it before it hit him.

"Niklaus,"another voice called out.

They turned to see Elijah giving Niklaus a firm look.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?"Andrea snatched the bat out of Niklaus' grip and glared.

"Your house?"Niklaus scoffed.

"We were hoping to find Ezekiel,"Elijah stopped his brother from saying anything else.

"He's not home yet,"she answered.

Elijah glanced down at her bump showing through her nightgown, causing Andrea to pull the robe tighter around her body.

"Is that..."

Andrea raised her bat again.

"I might not be able to fight a pair of Originals, but you'll be surprised at the lengths a mother would go to,"she warned.

"We mean you no harm, you have my word,"Elijah reassured.

"It's not you I don't trust,"she said and turned to Niklaus who grinned.

"I will keep my brother in line,"Elijah promised.

She glared at Niklaus one last time before walking out toward the pool.

Elijah stepped out, after making sure Niklaus would behave, with a blanket in his hand. Andrea turned to him and without a single word, he wrapped it around her shoulders.

"For as long as I am alive, no harm will come to you or your child,"he promised.

"You barely even know me or my child,"she frowned.

He smiled.

"I don't need to,"he said.

"That baby will bring my family back together... It will be the heart of it."

He turned away, his ears perking at the sound of the front door.

"It seems Ezekiel has returned."

Ezekiel paused outside his home as he sensed the unwelcoming presence of another vampire. He would know it anywhere, even if it was hiding in the darkness of the trees around his home. He would know a threat from a mile away.

He blurred in front of the vampire and wrapped his fingers around his throat.

"Thierry,"he heaved out a defeated sigh.

"Marcel was right not to trust you,"Thierry choked as he struggled to push away Ezekiel's grip.

"I have a home to protect. Screw what Marcel trusts and doesn't trust,"Ezekiel said and dragged Thierry with him as he headed towards the woods.

He grabbed Thierry's arm and sunk his fangs into his wrist, wincing at the taste of vervain.

He needed to drain Thierry, but if Thierry was gone too long then suspicions would rise. Marcel would find Ezekiel and he would find Thierry and it would break all the trust they had left.

The witches still had control over Andrea, and he needed to comply with them.

"You make my life so much harder, Thierry,"Ezekiel groaned and snapped his neck.

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