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Ezekiel glanced around the kitchen of the restaurant as Elijah helped Sabine up to her feet.

"They're long gone,"he said.

"It's Agnes. Her men took Sophie,"Sabine groaned and brushed crumbs and dirt off her pants.

She winced and reached for her head.

"Day one with you in charge, Brother, and already the witch linked to Andrea has been abducted by zealots,"Niklaus said with a smirk.

"Wipe that smirk off your face. You wouldn't be behaving like that if it was Hayley,"Ezekiel scoffed.

"Where is she?"Elijah ignored both of their bickering and questioned Sabine.

"If I tell you where Agnes is, you'll just kill her,"she answered with hardness in her gaze as she gazed at the rest of the brothers.

"I promise I'll be gentle,"Ezekiel shrugged and leaned against the edge of the table.

"Look, I know she's a little cuckoo, but she's our last living elder... That might not mean a lot to you, but it means plenty to us,"Sabine said.

"The elders are the only ones who can do important spells,"she pleaded.

"You need her to complete the Harvest ritual,"Ezekiel said and scoffed.

"You know about that?"she turned to him.

"We've been enlightened about it,"Niklaus said.

"Allow me to entertain you with today's list of priorities... One, unlink your friend Sophie so she no longer controls the fate of the woman carrying my brother's child,"he continued as he neared her and Elijah turned his back to them, his thoughts searching for solutions to their problems.

"Two, convince my other brother to accept my heartfelt apologies for some recently dodgy behaviour. Three... There is no three,"Niklaus gave it a thought.

"Sabine, you know how my brothers can be when they don't get what they want,"Ezekiel smiled as he took a slow predatory step towards her.

"You haven't seen me,"he said.

"I've been calm and did whatever bidding Sophie wanted me to do for the past six months,"he took another step closer.

"Our deal was what kept you protected... Do you understand that?"

Sabine's eyes glanced behind him at his brothers.

Ezekiel was not one to be reckless and merciless, but he could be. After all, he had a little bit of Niklaus as much as he had a little of Elijah in him.

"Now... Talk,"he commanded as he glared at her expectantly.

They found Sophie chained in the same tomb where he first saw Andrea after the revelation that she was pregnant with his child

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They found Sophie chained in the same tomb where he first saw Andrea after the revelation that she was pregnant with his child.

Elijah pulled the chains off of Sophie's wrists and Niklaus glanced at the furious Ezekiel.

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