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"Where's Elijah and Hayley?"Ezekiel questioned as he folded his arms and leaned against the table at breakfast.

Niklaus grinned and took a sip from the glass of fresh blood.

"I left them in the Bayou after I bit him,"he shrugged.

Ezekiel frowned.

"What for?"he scoffed.

"Have you gone mad?"

"Maybe I have,"Niklaus said.

"Maybe everyone should start asking what he did that provoked me into this,"he licked the remnants of blood on his lips.

"Okay, fine. What did Elijah do this time?"Ezekiel questioned.

"He accused me of knowing that our children was the power to making Hybrid slaves for me to use,"Niklaus answered.

"So you punished him?"Ezekiel scoffed.

"No, I punished him for accusing me that that was all my child was good for to me,"Niklaus shrugged.

"A day or two of discomfort won't hurt him."

"And where's Rebekah?"Ezekiel glanced around.

"It appears I have upset her,"Niklaus said.

Ezekiel leaned off the table and shook his head in disbelief as he headed for the front door.

"I want to come with,"Andrea reached the bottom of the stairs.

"No,"he said.


"You are nearing seven months pregnant. I will not say it again,"he scolded.

He turned to catch the look of fear in her eyes.

Fear for Elijah's safety no doubt.

"You could heal him and we could bring him back. It is that simple, Ezekiel,"she argued.

He scoffed.

"I'll bring him back,"he said promised.

"And I'm coming with you,"she retorted.

"Fine. Have it your way, Andrea, but if any harm comes to my child-"

"Our child,"she emphasised.

"Maybe you're no different from Klaus,"she muttered.

He grabbed her hand and stopped her from walking out the door.

"I'm concerned for my daughter because she is my blood. She is a part of me,"he said.

"Maybe you should start trusting me instead of searching for my brother's approval,"he scoffed, earning a tight slap from her before she stormed out toward the car.

"You're an asshole,"he heard her mumble.

He shut his eyes and took in a deep breath to calm himself before climbing into the driver's seat. He drove toward the Bayou and parked by the side of the road.

Ezekiel knocked on the front door of the house and walked in to the sight of his brother, pale and weak on the bed. Hayley turned at the sound of the door and stopped wiping the cold sweats off Elijah's forehead.

"Elijah,"Andrea gasped and joined him by his side.

Ezekiel bit into his wrist and extended it toward his brother who accepted it, letting out a sigh of relief as the blood began to heal the bite wound on his neck. Hayley and Ezekiel stepped out as Andrea took over taking care of Elijah while he continued to heal.

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