Chapter 3

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Is Falling For Your Almost Step-Sibling Considered Incest?

Chapter 3

As soon as we entered the house, we were told to sit back down on the couch and forced to listen to more ‘arrangement plans’. That pretty much means we have to listen to my dad tell us rules and other crap that no one was really going to listen to anyways. It was dreadful.

“So now were going to be talking about sleeping arrangements. Sadie, since you are the only girl, you are going to still keep your room as you have it. You will not be sharing with anyone.” Said my dad.

I rolled my eyes but I gave him a small nod in return.  I have to admit I did sigh in relief a bit though. I was actually a little bit worried about Drew’s comment in the tree house earlier. Oh god, just thinking about the tree house made me blush. I really hoped nobody could tell just by my face what had almost happened. I felt like I had a huge sign on my forehead that said: ‘I was almost just kissed by my childhood crush, who is now going to be living in my house with his mother and brother along with my father and brother’. Okay that’s a big sign for a forehead but you get the point.

 “Drew, you can have the spare room next to Sadie’s.” My dad said, interrupting my embarrassing thoughts. “In a few couple of weeks we can paint it to whatever color you want and you can pretty much make it your own room, decorate it, put up posters, whatever you kids do these days.”  Oh, Goodness, could he be any more embarrassing?

“He he” my dad chuckled to himself before continuing on. “You know, Sadie decorated her room with a bunch of posters of this boy band, what are they called? Oh, right, Wrong Direction. She is really in love with these British boys. In fact, she even made this really artistic collage of them and it’s in her room. Maybe you can put up some artwork or trophies or whatnot.” He continued.

The answer to my previous question would be absolutely.

“Dad, they’re called One Direction, not Wrong Direction. And the collage is nothing.  ” I said with a blush. I mean, really dad, really? I can’t believe he just told Drew that I put up posters of boy bands in my room. But hey, I’m a girl, that’s just what we do.

“Um, yes sir. Ill uh, keep that in mind.” Drew said a little bit uncomfortably, and then he looked my way and gave me a small smirk. He wouldn’t let the boy band comment slide any time soon.

“Now, as for Daniel and Alex, you two will be sharing the room Daniel has now.”




“No. I am not sharing a room with someone I just met!”

“Daniel, this is only temporary. We will eventually sell this house and trade it in for something bigger, where you kids can all have your own rooms, but for right now, you two are going to share a room.” There was a tone of finality in my dad’s voice that said the conversation was over and that was that.

Daniel sighed in anger and refused to look at my dad when he continued talking about living arrangements. I just tuned out, deep in thought.

Throughout this entire conversation, I noticed that Alex just stared at the wall. He barely even blinked. He did not give any indication that he even heard the conversation at all. Huh, that’s odd I guess. Maybe he is just shy or keeps to himself or something like that.

I must have had a weird look on my face because Drew looked over at me.  He just gave me this look like I did something wrong. Was it because of the tree house thing? Oh my gosh what if it was? What if he never talks to me again? Wait, that doesn’t make sense. He just smirked at me because of my One Direction posters. How could his mood have just switched like that?

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