Chapter 4

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Is Falling For Your Almost Step- Sibling Considered Incest?

Chapter 4

It turns out that Drew’s idea of making things up to me was to hang out with me this weekend.

“You really don’t have to do that. I don’t want to interfere with any of your plans.” I told him.

I was really conflicted because on one hand I really wanted to hang out with him. I mean I have been crushing on him for years, just hoping he would notice me. But on the other hand, I wanted him to say that he did have previous plans and back out of plans he wanted to make with me for the exact reason as stated above.

Plus, him noticing me might not exactly be a good thing seeing as I am not anywhere near being in his social rung of the popularity ladder.

 I know, I know. I sound extremely petty, but it’s true. I’m not popular or anything close to it, but I’m also not on the bottom. I have a decent amount of school friends, and a few really close friends, but I am definitely not a popular stuck up snob who thrives on making others’ lives miserable to make themselves feel better about themselves.

 That’s Kimberly’s job. Also most of the cheerleaders. And some of the football and basketball players. Oh, plus the bimbos that stick to Kimberly’s sides like glue so she could make herself feel superior to even everyone in her close circle of ‘friends’.

Yep. Not my job.

I was so busy telling myself that Drew would back out of any plans because he probably realized he had much better things to do, that I didn’t notice Drew had sat down next to me on my bed.

“But I want to.” Shivers went down my spine as he said this, and a blush threatened to reveal itself.

Before I could come up with a witty remark, Drew continued.

“Besides, we are going to be living together, so we might as well get to know each other.” He said matter- of- factly.

Well, you can’t argue with logic.

“Okay. I’ll hang out with you tomorrow. What time?” I gave up.

“How about ill meet you downstairs after breakfast, say at about 10:30, and we can hang out in the backyard. It’s supposed to be nice out.” As he said this he looked, dare I say it, Shy. Drew Evans looked shy.

He then ran a hand through his hair, slightly ruffling it. It looked absolutely adorable. He looked absolutely adorable.

“Sounds good to me.” I said with a small smile.

“Okay.” He gave me a small smile too. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

With that he stood up and let himself out of my bedroom. But before he shut the door, he gave me a small wave, and my heart swelled.

 Tomorrow was going to be interesting.


                Daniel POV

No way was I going to share a room with some ten year old.

 Okay, he was like twelve, but still! I just met the kid. I’ve never been very comfortable around people, but can you blame me? I’m… different.

I don’t like people.

I actually hate people.

I’d much rather listen to music. I really love music. Music seems like the only thing I truly enjoy.

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