chapter 2- The helicopter ride

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The weeks seem to drag on; everyone was getting anxious as the time for the Blackthorne boys arrival grew closer. As we all know news travels like wildfire in the Gallagher academy so naturally every girl knew that the Blackthorne boys were coming to stay. We had been allowed into the town of Roseville and in every shop you went in or walked past, there were girls buying new clothes or makeup. But that wasn’t the worst part! I was walking with Macey, Bex and Liz on our way back to the Gallagher academy. We were strolling along the roads which we had walked up and down so many times before but this time we were greeted with a voice.

‘Cammie is that you?’ it was josh. Great, just what I needed.

‘Hi josh, how are you?’ I asked remembering Madame Dabney’s class.

‘I’m good thanks, and yourself?’

‘Yeah I’m great, I’m in a bit of a rush though, I’m’ sorry but I’ve got to get back to school.’ He looked a little hurt but I couldn’t do anything about it because we did in fact have a curfew and ours was going to be up in about 15 minutes. I felt bad now, josh had been my first boyfriend but I didn’t want to talk to him anymore, I didn’t want him in my life because I didn’t want him to get hurt. As we walked up the main road that lead to the mansion, I couldn’t help but take in the beauty of it. I can see why the people of Roseville think we are stuck-up, rich girls who play polo. Sometimes I wish people could see inside the mansion and understand that we are so much more than just snobs, but I know that can never happen. All this is done, all the lies and the extra security is put in place for us to keep safe, I should know that more than anyone, yet I’m always the one who breaks the rules. Well, aunt Abby did always say ‘rules were made to be broken’ I should probably remind her of this every now and again?

As we walked in through the entrance hall the smell from the kitchen reminded us all that we hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

‘Mmm, I’m starving!’ I said breathing in the sweet aroma.

‘Me to’ Bex said

There were girls gathered all around us but we were surprised to hear my mother’s voice loud and clear

‘I’m sorry girls but there will be no time for eating, come on’ she said and swiftly walked towards the doors we had walked through moments ago

‘Where are we going?’ Anna asked

‘Shopping’ my mum spoke clearly. She looked directly at me with a twinkle in her eye.

Zach’s P.O.V

Joe Solomon had been gone for months, no one knew where he was, he had just vanished, but I guess that’s what it’s like for a spy? Even though I knew he was a spy, and a bloody good one at that, I still couldn’t help but miss him. He was the father figure I had always wanted but never had.  That’s why the whole cove-ops class had started chatting like a bunch of nervous girls. Joe Solomon was standing in front of us as if he had been there all the time and he had never left.

“boys” his tone was stern but fair as he went on “ you have an assignment/ trip thingy coming up, I want you to go and pack the essentials then we will meet back here in exactly 1 hour” I was watching him in awe, it was Joe alright the same Joe I had come to know. Then for a second I thought he looked at me but before I could look back to where he was standing but he was already gone.

Then there was chaos boys were running around trying to talk to everyone before heading to the stairs that would take us to our rooms.

In exactly one hour the whole class was standing in the entrance hall waiting for Solomon to show. Suitcases were everywhere. Boys were talking nervously amongst themselves about the assignment but I was stood with my roommates grant and Jonas (Jonas was coming with us even though he was on the research track).

“Do you think there will be girls?” grant asked. That is so typical grant, always wonders if there will be girls, he couldn’t just focus on the fact that there could be bombs and guns involved no he wants to know about girls. I don’t even know if there is a girl school for spies.

“Grant? Is that all you can think about?”

“What?” he looked over at Jonas and carried on “Zach’s just jealous that he can’t get any action.”

“Like you would know about action” I blurted back at him.

“Well I’ve had more than you have” I dunno why I did it but I punched him straight in the stomach and I must have done it harder than I thought I did because he stepped backwards and fell over a suitcase.

“Serves you right” let’s just say I don’t think I’m in grants good books

“I’m going to get you Zachary Goode…” but before he could continue Joe cut in over the noise.

“Follow me!” He commanded and we walked towards a black helicopter.

“Where are we going?” grant asked.

“Shopping” he replied.

The whole class groaned in anguish. Why does it always happen to us? Were supposed to be the next generation of spies yet here we are with packed suitcases being told we were going shopping great!

Cammie P.O.V

We were lead to the helicopter and the whole junior class clambered in and took our seats. Almost instantly the helicopter started gaining height. When we landed we realised we were at a mall but were not near Roseville or anywhere near the safety of the mansion.

“This is both a shopping trip and an assignment” my mum said without pausing “you need to buy a formal dress, some shoes, and anything else you can manage.  The more items you buy the more points you get, you will be in pairs and you will need to have the most points to win.” She finally finished “ now off you go…” we all started moving towards the doors when she continued “ oh and girls, the trick is not to be seen” oh how I was going to like this watch out mall, here I come! I would like to think I would win this but the way Bex spoke, I think she had other plans.

“Oooh look at that fitty!” she squealed

“Bex!” I snapped “we are on a mission, remember?”

After 2 and half hours my mum’s voice sounded through the comms telling us to get back to the helicopter. Girls where pulling out items from make up to laptops, everyone had bought a formal dress and all the colours of the rainbow was whisked past our eyes as girls showed their dresses then quickly stashed them away. I had chosen a short turquoise blue dress with sequins on the top part. Half way during the assignment Bex had realised we had teenage boys tailing us, we managed to lose them by going into the girl’s toilets and climbing out through the window before going to the other end of the mall to carry on with the assignment. We eventually found out that Bex and I had won the assignment/game because we had bought two mascaras, a bottle of hairspray, two dresses, and two pairs of shoes, six chocolate bars, a laptop, two notebooks, four skirts and four bras (all of which now belonged to me…). The journey back was interesting because we found out that none of the other girls had managed to lose their tails, we were all starting to wonder who they were when…

“Blackthorne” I whispered.

“What did you say?” Bex asked.

“Blackthorne” I said a little louder so they could hear me

The shock on their faces was proof enough that they hadn’t thought of that themselves. Now we all had a hunch that they were Blackthorne boys, but being spies, we wanted the truth…

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