chapter 3- the Blackthorne boy <3

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A week later the school was gathered in the main entrance waiting for the Blackthorne boys to arrive. Finally a silver coach pulled up. About 60 boys got off (well the spy in me estimated 60 people). All the girls swooned as the boys walked through the doors to where we were standing. Okay, I’ll admit it, for a girl who ‘wasn’t interested’ in these boys, some of them were hot! And that’s when I saw him, a tall dark haired boy with emerald green eyes. He was wearing a t-shirt that hugged his body, showing off his abs, all the girls drooled; I could hear the girls around me talking and pointing to boys they though were cute, then i saw Anna point at the tall boy and I couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous.

‘Wow’ I thought to myself.

Macey walked over and closed my mouth for me.

‘Oh the game is on’ she whispered ‘and stops staring’.

Before I could take her advice the boy looked at me. We were staring at each other for a few seconds before I looked away and blushed. Teachers gestured for the boys to follow them and the boys disappeared to the east wing. Then I realised something that had been bugging me, he was at the mall, he was one of the boys who had been tailing Bex and I.

At dinner they boys were sat around tables in groups and the girls and I sat around the others. Bex, Liz, Macey and I were all sat around one table, chatting eagerly with Macey telling Bex and Liz about the Blackthorne boy, and picking him out for them. I tried talking to Bex but she wasn’t listening she was too busy talking to Macey and figuring ways to set me up with him.

‘After dinner I will introduce you to him’ Macey said slyly.

‘WHAT!’ my head snapped up ‘No thanks mace, I’m staying well clear, after all, he is a Blackthorne boy.’

After the meal had finished we all stood up, Macey walked over to the boys table and left me standing with Bex and Liz (not that there’s anything wrong with that). I don’t know what happened next but I heard Macey say ‘where has she gone’ before appearing around the corner.

‘There you are’ she said annoyed. ‘I was going to introduce you to that hot guy you can’t keep your eyes off.’

‘I know what you were going to do mace.’ I replied dryly.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bex and Liz come running around the same corner Macey had just come from.

‘Quickly’ they screeched, for they were closely followed by; you guessed it, the Blackthorne boy!

He looked directly at me and smirked, he was so hot! For a moment I got lost in his eyes then I turned and started to walk away, ‘you’re a spy and a highly trained one at that’ I thought to myself. Macey Bex and Liz followed, when we got back to our room they handed me a note they boy had given them.

 It read:

              Meet me by the library at 23:00

              See you there, Gallagher girl


I was confused; he didn’t even know me why would he want to meet me and most of all, why would he put kisses at the end of the note. I told the girls what the note said and Macey said I needed to go, I agreed with her but the spy in me lurched.

Something bad always happens when normal boys are involved, I can’t even imagine how bad it’s going to be with spy boys around. Erghh, this is never going to work!

‘You need to wear something nice, to catch his attention’ Macey said

‘Can’t I just wear my pj’s’ I asked nervously.

‘That’s it’ Macey whispered more to herself than to me.

‘What is’ I asked even more nervous now.

Macey went over to her suit case and pulled out a night gown. It was blood red. She handed it to me and I put it on. The hem came just below my knickers and the top part was cut so low it showed off part of my lacy bra. Macey curled my hair, and loosely tied it back in a pony- tail. She applied a thin line of eyeliner to my eyelids and topped up my mascara before applying a brilliant red lipstick to my lips.

‘Perfect now go get him’ she winked. And with that I was pushed out the door until I was stood alone outside my room looking into the blackness I started along the halls.

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