chapter 6- mission accepted.

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When we got to the airport we were shocked when we were told we would be travelling by private jet. The jet was reasonably big and had games console, I am pleased to say I beat both Zach and grant at their stupid game, however Bex was a different story. The jet was surprisingly cosy. I had changed my clothes from the surprisingly short nightdress to a pair of jeans and one of my dad’s old sweatshirts. I was lying on the sofa becoming more and drowsier. Then I was wrenched back into reality as I fell off the smooth leather, I was paranoid knowing that three pairs of eyes are looking at me intently.

“Ever gets that sinking feeling?” I said with a joking tone but Zach saw straight through me.

“Come here sweetheart.” He beckoned with a wave of his hand, I was too tired so I obliged. I saw Zach grab a blanket and he placed a pillow on his lap. I lay down next to him and became instantly paralyzed as he spread the blanket over me. Then he started playing with my hair, it was perfect.

When I woke up I had slept for four hours, but I had to stay awake now. I reached out for my cover file and started to study it. My cover name is ‘Felicity Diamond’; my parents’ names are Edward and Henrietta Diamond we all live in a mansion in California but I have had to move to Kingston academy because public schools in America didn’t suit my parent’s standards. I had blond hair, which is lucky because I can hear Bex in the toilet trying to dye hers blue, however felicity’s eyes are green and mine, are definitely not. I finally understand why Liz packed those contact lenses. I carried on reading through the information; felicity likes playing lacrosse, going horse riding and sun bathing, her favourite places are the mall, the salon and the beach. Well there’s a surprise.

Well, this mission is going to be fun; I’m going to have to pretend to be a snob.  The information didn’t get any better as I processed the rest of it. Her parents owned a recording company, had their own fashion label and is big in the filming industry. Felicity has not three but four horses, and 3 cars of her own.

“Brilliant, why is it always me to get the hard jobs, who else has to become posh?”

“I have a scholarship” Zach replied to my question.

“Me to” Bex pipes in “apparently I’m a rebellious child.” She points to the aluminium strips in her hair.

“OMG” grant screamed.

“What?” I asked a little too calmly for my liking.

“I supposed to be the son of… a really big… lawyer… I have to be posh!!” he looked at the gun in his hand, but his expression was more of a ‘challenged accepted’ look.

Three hours later and we are in a car driving the last 45 minutes from the airport to our new school. We need to make new friends and fit in as much as possible.

When we arrive we are told that Bex and I will be sharing a room together and grant a Zach will be sharing together.  We are met at the front of the reception by a girl with waist length golden brown hair and blue eyes and a boy who was smaller than Zach, he was a skinny boy and his clothes looked like they didn’t fit him properly.

“Hi I’m Ellen and this is Eric,” they looked at us expectantly

“Sorry, I’m felicity and this is Rosie, Jace and Robbie.” I pointed at Bex then grant then Zach, as if confirming it to myself that we have cover names.

“Shall we show you around? We can take you to your rooms and as it’s a Sunday the headmistress isn’t here, so you will have a meeting with her tomorrow, first thing.”

“Okay, lead the way.”

We were lead to the dorms, it is a massive mansion type building, and however it is smaller than Gallagher. There are marble staircases, with granite flooring. Carvings are perfectly placed in stone around doorways and chandeliers illuminate halls and corridors. We were shown down corridor after corridor before we came to a Holt in front of two doors. One read boys and one read girls. Bex and I walked into the one saying girls, for obvious reasons… when we walked in two beds were placed in the room, there were two desks next to each other and a small en-suite bathroom that lead off to the side. The wardrobes were huge and made of oak and we each had one.

“This is so cool.” Bex stated awe struck.

“I know right.” There was a knock on the door and Ellen walked in.

“If you need anything, I’m you ‘welcoming buddy’ I’m in room number 4, just down the corridor, don’t be afraid to come and see me.”

After an hour of exploring the mansion Bex and I met the boys in the entrance hall before we headed off to dinner.

Even though the Blackthorne boys are living with us back at Gallagher, it is still a weird sight watching a mix of boys and girls mixed together sitting at different tables. We each found an empty seat. I took my seat next to a brown haired, blue eyed, athletic looking girl. She was surrounded by two other girls and some guys so I presumed she was ‘queen bee’ around here.

‘Hey’ she said smiling at me.

‘Hey, I’m felicity,’ I replied, pleased that I had actually managed to remember my cover name.

‘Ahh, the new girl?’

‘Yeah, that’s me…’ I replied nervously.

‘So who’s your friend, she replied pointing over to where Zach was sitting pressed up against some blonde girl looking like he’d drawn the short straw.

‘Zaa… Robbie… that’s Robbie…’

‘Cool, I hope I have classes with him, he is one fine specimen.’ she looked over at him as if she was checking him out.

‘Sorry, he’s taken…’

‘Really?’ she asks shocked, ‘by whom?’

‘Me, he’s my boyfriend…’

Boyfriend? Really Cammie? Of all the things you could have said. Spy in training. Spy buddy. Best friend. You say boyfriend? Oh well can’t go back on it now.

‘Oh, well we’ll see how long that lasts.’ She said with a smug grin and with that she got up and left followed by everyone else on the table, leaving me sitting alone eating my manky looking soup.

Once I finished eating I took one last look around and walked back to my dorm room. I would explain to callum what happened at dinner in the morning but right now I need some sleep.

I took a step towards my door and twisted the knob only for something cold and hard to collide with my face, my knees crumpled and I fell to the floor, something moved in the shadows but I couldn’t make out the shape before everything went black… 


hi guise,

sorry its a short chapter but i thought i should update soon as its been nearlt a month since i last posted, sorry about that, ive been rather busy with college and my family have had some problems.

anyway remember to vote and comment.

i would love to hear some feedback of the story so far or if you have any suggestions for what to put in next.

also check out my other story familiar strangers, not a gallagher girl story, but its original.


megan xoxoxox

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