chapter 4- the introduction

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Chapter 4- the introduction

I slipped silently down corridors and across hall, narrowly missing being spotted by my mum! Finally I came to a Holt outside the library. My body clock told me it is a few minutes to eleven, meaning the Blackthorne boy would be here soon. I was admiring how beautiful the mansion is at night when a voice sounded loud and clear through the darkness.

“Hey…” it was him alright, he had a deep voice but it was soothing and gentle and although he sounded slightly nervous he had a strong and confident tone.

“H…hi” I managed to stutter. I don’t normally stutter, it could have been from nerves, but it was more likely to come down to the fact I was frozen. I am really beginning to regret letting Macey talking me into wearing this!

“I’m Zachary, Zachary Goode, but you can call me Zach.” he held out his hand and I took it, trying to be polite. He had a firm but gentle grip on my hand.

“I’m Cammie” I reply managing not to stutter this time.

“You look nice,” he smirked as I said this and I crossed my arms over my chest, not realising that it just made my cleavage more visible.

“Thank you.”

We stood in stony silence, for what seem to be forever. The light seemed to be getting dimmer; it was now dimmer than when we first arrived about twenty minutes ago.

“So? Gallagher girl…” he asked smirking.

“Yes Blackthorne boy,” I replied in a sarcastically sweet tone.

“I was just wondering if we could go and sit down somewhere?” he sounded as innocent as he said this and I found it incredibly cute!

We were now in pitch black but it didn’t bother me, I knew every inch of this mansion and I could navigate it blind folded, this is why I walked over to Zach and found his hand, it was warm to the touch and it sent sparks shooting up my arm and trailing down my body.  I lead him downstairs, which to no one’s surprise was empty, because everyone had already gone to sleep. I left him standing in the door way as I walked over and switched on the lights. And that’s when I caught myself staring. He was so HOT!

“Is there something on my face?” Zach winked at me.

“No its nothing,” I replied way too quickly, I have now made him suspicious.

“Then what is it?”  He asked with a slight smirk forming on his features.

He must have seen the look of horror on my face because he smirked

“It’s okay Gallagher girl, you can tell me.” He said this so sweetly, I tried not to show my embarrassment, but my cheeks had other ideas.

“It’s… it’s just…” I stuttered, but this time it is nothing to do with how cold I am. “It’s none of your bloody business” I reply confidently.

“Oh, isn’t it?” he replied with a cheeky glint in his eye.

“It’s getting a bit hot in here don’t you think?”

I didn’t know how to reply to this but stupid me, I had to open my big mouth!

“It’s because I’m here” Zach sniggered at my remark.

“You don’t mind if i…” whatever he was going to say tailed off and he didn’t finish his sentence. He just took his shirt off and walked over and pushed my mouth closed. As he did this I could help but stare, he had just the right amount of muscle, and when he moved they flex in a very sexy way!

“I’m dreaming right?” I question.

Zach grabbed my hand and put it against his chest; he didn’t let it go as he dragged it down his abs so I was stroking them. Then I pulled away quickly.

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