10 • mondays

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everything you want is at the other side of fear.
jack canfield


WAS it really so wrong that I was relieved when Monday came round?

The prospect of normal lessons felt more appealing than my adventures from the last few days.

I guess it should've been obvious then what was going to happen next. There were too many people on guard in the dining hall. Too many members of staff exchange wary glances when I approached. There was even a slight look of hesitance in Morgana's eyes when we had exchanged glances. Then, I thought I was just being paranoid.

But the large men blocking my path as I tried to leave the hall along with my new group of... friends proved otherwise.

They had tried to wait for me of course, Valerie and the rest, but Redmond appeared out of nowhere, shooing them away like a shepherd dog keeping back the innocent flock of sheep from escaping.

The explanation for my weekend-long separation was that I needed to be kept quarantined, under surveillance - just in case my abilities actually comprised of me emitting some toxic radiation that could endanger the lives of everyone in a kilometer radius, including the already molecularly unstable students.

Well, at least that's what they said. I think they were just looking for an excuse to find out the source of my powers - or rather, the lack of them. What they really needed was a valid reason to keep on running tests to find out what exactly was wrong with me.

And even now, I can't say who was more disappointed that final morning: me, or the doctors.

With a sigh, I flicked through the magazine they had put in my quarantine room- or as I liked to call it, White Hell due to the excessive amount of white used in the decoration of the room.

Amidst wondering what exactly their obsession for the colour was, I couldn't stop worrying that I'd ruin something, even when I'd been brought my meals, I'd felt compelled to be careful - just in case I'd stained one of the white walls, or the white bed with the white sheets or the small white table and chair, or the marbled white floor...

The last straw would've been if they had forced me to where white clothing as well to match the hospital-like environment of the room, but it seemed they'd known better than that.

The only good thing from all this is that I wouldn't have to deal with it much longer. Any moment now and I should be free to go, Dr Layton had said.

For now, I'd just have to be entertained by ...The Mad Scientist?

I sigh as I read that part aloud. Of course it was a magazine dedicated to the art of improbable, theoretical and borderline unethical science.

Fortunately enough, one of the younger scientists (or perhaps an intern? None of that was really explained to me) knocked, appearing partially through the doorway to deliver a message.

"Miss Sparke?" he says, prompting me to look up. "You are free to go now."


"Emma?" Cass's voice echoes through the room at the sound of me opening the door.

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