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I ran to the bathroom and thought about whether I should try to get him out.

"Maybe I'll leave him in there for a bit. The blades are in the bedroom so he can't do anything. I'll leave him in there for about 15 minutes then I'll check up on him. He needs his space. The dude just found out he's a, what I'm assuming, hybrid"

I sat at the door, staring at the wall and started thinking. How did this happen to him? He's never taken any medication that was unprescribed. I don't think his parents did because they're some of the nicest people I've met. Maybe he ate some weird pet food that turned him into a wolf.

Before I could resume my thoughts, he came out of the bathroom with his hair dishevelled, red eyes and blotchy cheeks. Instinctively, I got up and hugged him while he broke down in my arms.

"Babe calm down, don't cry, it'll be fine, I'm sure people will accept you for who, or what, you are"

"I don't care if people don't accept me"

"Then why are you crying, baby"

"I'm sc-scared you'll le-leave me because I'm ug-ugly"

"What? Did you not hear the multiple time I've called you cute? Plus, where are your ears and tail? I wanna see em~"

"I'm hi-hiding them. I was reading in the bathroom that hybrids can hide them"

"Show me~"


He closed his eyes and soon ears were twitching out from under his hair and   a tail was making its way out from the back of his hoodie. If I was a girl, I would've screamed and shout cute, but I'm not. I am man who does not squeal....ya know what, I don't care anymore.


"....well that was unexpected."

"Hush! Oh my God you look so cute!! I just can't, my heart!"

I fell to the ground on my knees and started fangirling.

"Damn, NamNam, calm the hell down or you might have a nose bleed."

"Sorry, it's just--ahhhh! It's so cute!! Can I touch it? Please~?"


I reach my hand out and place it on his head, as if I'm petting him or something. As soon as I start scratching behind his ear he falls into my touch and starts pushing his head further into my touch. I understood that he wanted me to continue, so I complied. He soon feel asleep on my chest as I played with his hair. I looked down at him and he looked so peaceful when not long ago he was a mess. I, soon, too fell with my chin resting on his head. If people had seen us, they'd think us as a normal gay couple, but now, it was a more adorable gay couple.

Who did this to him?

Hybrid For A Husband || NamJinWhere stories live. Discover now