Chapter 44

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I got this urge to finish this recently, so I have finished this book and will update it at least once a week, and I'm also working on the next one. I've been super busy with school and needed to take some time off, but I hadn't realized it would be this long, or I would've warned you all. Now I'm in the process of trying to get into college, and I felt the need to finish something, and this is going to be it, I've put so much time into this for so long, I need to finish it. That being said, apologies for leaving for a while, but I promise I'm back now to finish this, and to finally finish this story. Thank you to those that haven't given up on this just yet, I really love all the support I came back to, and was astounded at hwo much this book has grown honestly.

"Where is he!?" Fudge screamed at Harry who just shook his head.

They went racing out into the hallway to look for him but after a few minutes they realized he wasn't there and came back looking defeated and harassed.

With a look of pure scorn Fudge told McGonagall, "I suppose that's the end of this school's beloved Headmaster then. Get the three of them to bed, we should return and try to find out where that crazy old man has gotten off to."

They all left, with Kingsley sending a wink in our direction which me and Harry replied to with a smile With that were were off to bed to the Gryffindor tower. We told our story to Hermione, Ron and Neville in the common room as they told us of how they ran away and were hardly followed. It turned out Blake had accidentally had pointed the other members of the High Inquisitors Squad in the wrong direction.

The next morning I had meant to wake up early and see Severus but i accidently slept in and instead came into the common room late when everyone was already sitting, "Okay guys, I have to go see Severus before we go to breakfast, we have some things to talk about obviously."

I was about to leave when Hermione said, "Before you go, you should look at these."

I looked to where she was pointing. There were several more Educational Decrees on the wall and they all read the same thing. It said that DOlores Umbridge was now going to replace Albus Dumbledore as the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I groaned, "Well that's just great, the year is going to get even worse now. Well then i guess I should see what Severus knows about that too.

They nodded and I walked down to the dungeons. There were only a few kids in the halls, going to breakfast and already the talk of the school was Dumbledore's leaving. It was strangely accurate where they were saying and that he had escaped. THey were also talking about Umbridge being appointed new Headmistress, which no one seemed happy about, save a couple Slytherin students i passed.

I walked into Severus's classroom where i was sure he would be setting up, "Jessica are you alright? Why didn't you come see me last night?"

"Someone would've seen me, there were Ministry people all around and Umbridge. I'm fine, me and Harry got caught but then Dumbledore took the fall for us and left."

"Yes I heard about that, and I"ve heard about how Dolores is now the new Headmistress. This is going to be a disaster, and you guys have to be more careful."

I nodded, "I know. I don't know what this means exactly, but I doubt it'll be good."

"I heard about how you guys got out of this but there's no way she totally believes you guys are innocent and I bet she's going to hold it against you in class and outside of class."

I went down to the Great Hall and ate breakfast and then we started to walk to our first class, POtions, which we had with the Slytherins.

On the way there we were talking about Umbridge being the new Headmistress since we couldn't in the Great Hall with her right there sitting in the middle of the staff table acting as though the students and other professors actually wanted here.

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