Chapter 2

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These parts I had total freedom with, which was pretty sick so yeah they're long, sorry :))

"Lumos," I muttered once far enough inside.

In front of me there was a stair case leading down for what seemed like forever. I couldn't see the end but I could feel that this was it. It was far enough inside the cave and off the beaten path that o tourists would come here and even if they did I doubt they would be able to see anything.

"Over here!" I yelled to Severus who came walking over.

Together we spent the next hour walking down the stairs as quickly as we could with our wands trained ahead of us. When I finally felt the stairs finishing I raced down the last few to a door. Severus reached out and tried the handle but it didn't move.

I had an idea, "Open," I hissed in Parseltongue.

It seemed to work. The door opened just a little bit. I eased it the rest of the way open and peered inside. It opened into a large cavern. There were snakes almost standing on their tails as they moved around the cavern into small caves lining the perimeter.

Almost immediately we were greeted by two Draca with long spears in their hands. Behind them was a Draca that was obviously in charge. She wore a crown on top of her head, she seemed bigger than most of the Draca, and was adorned in many jewels.

"I have been expecting someone to come talk to my people," she started, "I have heard of the trouble that brews outside of our safe haven. I hope you have something good to offer us and good manners or this could end badly for the two of you."

Severus couldn't understand her and still looked confused and weary of the two Draca standing next to us with spears.

I stepped forward away from Severus and bowed answering back in Parseltongue, "I am glad that you are allowing us to speak with you and try to convince you to side with us against the dark forces that are approaching closer every day. Albus Dumbledore has sent me and has given me the ability to grant you whatever you desire as compensation for assisting us. I hope that you can see the merit in joining our side rather than the side of he-who-must-not-be-named."

She looked impressed, probably by my flawless Parseltongue, "The other one with you," she said guestering to Severus, "He cannot understand us, is that correct?"

I nodded slowly, "No he can't. I brought him along for the journey to protect me. My Parseltongue is flawless, I began learning from a very young age, but I am still young myself and not entirely trained in magic. Albus felt that a protector was needed for me."

She nodded and addressed Severus in English, "You will wait with Kyrat in a chamber I shall have prepared for you while I talk with the girl. I expect that you both will be here for a few days, I will try to make you as comfortable as possible."

He looked like he was about to argue but I held up a hand and said, "Go, I'll be fine. I'll see you later."

He scowled but nodded and allowed himself to be lead away by one of the Draca, who I assumed was Kyrat. I waved as he left then turned back to the leader.

"Come girl, I need to call the council to hear you speak," she told me then started slithering away.

I followed her into one of the bigger caves around the cavern. From there we went further into the maze of caves until we came to one that was obviously barred from outsiders. She put her tail against the wall and the stone in front of it rolled to the side. Inside was huge and there was a large table in the middle of the room.

"Go announce that there is a special meeting for all council members," she told the guard left.

He nodded and slithered away as she turned back to me, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rook and I have been the leader of this convent of Scythian Dracaenae for over 50 years. I have been able to uphold our traditions from the past and lead my people fairly. There are over 30,000 Scythian Dracaenae living in here, making this the largest convent in the world. We are able to produce our own food and are able to avoid contact with the outside world much of the time. You will be meeting with the council soon, which is comprised of the leaders of each of the 15 clans we have here. I will allow you to speak and we will take a preliminary vote to decide whether we think your cause is good enough to go onto the next step. Once we do that we can see what happens from there."

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