Chapter 49

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Wow last chapter already. I'm working on the next book and should have the first chapter up within a week or so, then updates will probably get a little slower as I write it as we go. I have some good ideas, and have been encorporating things leading up to my major plot twist, and if anyone can guess it, I will be very very surprised. Well thanks for reading this far, love you all :))

The next morning, like Severus had said, we all got an owl telling us we were excused from classes that day. I took this as an excuse to sleep in, so it was nearly 11 by the time I rolled out of bed and made my way downstairs. Everyone that had been involved were already sitting on the couches, including Luna, listening to something Harry was reading.

"Details of the events that led to the attack are still hazy-" he was saying before he saw me, "Good morning Jessica."

"Morning," I replied, stifling a yawn, "What's that?"

"There's an article in the Daily Prophet that the Ministry is finally admitting VOldemort is back. They practically apologized to you Harry and Dumbledore for saying you were crazy and lying about it."

"That's lovely," I said sarcastically, "I'm glad all it took is an attack on the Ministry for them to realize it."

"Come sit down," said Neville motioning to the seat next to him, sensing my moodiness.

"So Harry what did you and Dumbledore talk about last night?" Hermione asked, and I was glad I didn't have to be the one to ask.

"Well he told me about the prophecy. He said that Trelawney had given this prophecy, and it said that he had to destroy me in order to live but he wasn't able to, hence the scar. Now he's back and after me because the last line is 'neither can live while the other survives' so at the end of this all one of us will be dead."

I already knew this but a solemn air clouded all of us, "That's awful Harry. I wonder why he didn't tell you this before? Maybe this could've all been stopped," Hermione answered.

"He didn't want to destroy my happiness at first," said Harry, "Then recently he was going to tell me but was worried about the visions I was having. It turns out Voldemort and I have a connection and he could've used it to spy on Dumbledore or things at Hogwarts, and he didn't want him to realize it so he had to keep his distance from me."

"I knew he didn't hate you!" I told him, "He may have been misled, but that's good at least."

Harry nodded, "I need to stay with the Dursley's for a little each summer because of the protection it gives me too. I don't know if I trust him after this, but I'm glad he finally told me."

"He was trying to keep you safe," I said softly, "People do dumb things if they think it'll be for the best in the end."

"Well in happier news, Hagrid is back," Luna said trying to diffuse the situation, "I saw him come back while I went to check on the Crumple-Horned Snorkack near his cabin. He looked terrible, but he's back for sure."

"That's great," said Ron, "There's something else though," dropping his voice down, "Umbridge is back too. Apparently Dumbledore went to the forest this morning and got her from the centaurs. She's up in the Hospital Wing and it's as if she's gone mad, she isn't speaking or anything. I heard all about it when I went down to get us breakfast. Oh and Jessica, Fred and George sent us some chocolate frogs, their joke shop is going well they say, and they're happier out of school."

I smiled, "That's wonderful, I'm glad they've found something that suits them so well and they're able to do it."

We spent the rest of the normal school day relaxing in the common room. None of us were worried about missing classes, it was likely we were hardly missing anything now that O.W.L.s. Were over.

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