Chapter 45

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Once he decided we were done for the evening he conjured two chairs and sat in one. I took a seat in the other. This was new. Normally I got to go right back to Severus after we were done training, now however it looked like we were going to talk now. I inwardly groaned, I stilled liked having there while I was talking to make sure I didn't miss anything or screw anything up. I could probably handle it though.

"There are a few moments when you're completely caught off guard where you show astounding potential," he said almost conversationally, "I'm quite impressed by your natural talent and progress."

"Thank you my Lord," I said with a smile.

"I know I spoke with you before about the leadership role I want you to take in the future," I nodded, "I think it is time for you to start taking on some power of your own right now. I want you to be in charge of the younger Death Eaters."

"I am honored sir," I began, "What would that entail?"

"I want you to be the one to teach them, train them for this upcoming war. You will be in charge of them during the actual fight and on operations they can tag along and learn from you. You will be in charge of their initiation to start. I am going to give them something to do, and you'll be their mentor along the task."

I smiled, "That sounds like a most honorable position my Lord."

"Yes, it should be a nice starter for you I believe. Then depending on how that goes, we can arrange for you to do more and more. I myself want to be in charge of very few mundane operations, I want to focus on more important things. Once we win, I would like to have things running smoothly, as a leader should have it, and I think you can help facilitate that," there was a pause while he just looked at me then he stood up, vanished the chairs and said, "Well you should get back to Spinner's End, I will see you soon."

I bowed, "I will see you then my Lord."

With that, I went back home. Severus, Draco and Blake were all seated at the kitchen table drinking tea and picking at the grapes in front of them.

I walked in and said, "Well I'm done, so we should be getting back now."

Blake got up and rushed over and gave me a hug, "Are you okay?" he asked, "What happened?"

I shrugged and smiled as I gently pushed him off of me, "Nothing too important, we just trained and talked a bit. I'll tell you about it some other time, it's not that important right now. We should be getting back as soon as possible."

"Well I'm glad you're okay," he said, sounding a bit hurt that I wasn't sharing everything with him.

As Draco got up and started to walk towards the door even he said, "Glad you're okay, that must've been pretty bad."

I gave him a small weary smile and replied, "Thanks."

Severus finally got up and walked to the closet and put on his heavier cloak near the door as he told me, "You'll have to tell me about what happened when we get back. You sure you're okay to go right now? Do you want a potion or something to eat quickly first?"

I shook my head, "No, I think I'd prefer getting back to Hogwarts honestly."

With that he nodded and the four of us apparated back to Hogwarts grounds. We walked into the school and Draco and Black went into the dungeons to the Slytherin common room while Severus ad I walked to his personal chambers.

I went in and went right into the kitchen. I started to brew some water for my own cup of tea and grabbed some cookies from the closet. I sat down at the table across from him.

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