Fact 🔫

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Today , we chatted together since we opened the subject of our past , our old relationship I mean our hard days , I know how bur I asked you for the fact , I didn't that the fact can kill people and can hurt them too much , I thought that fact will make me happy , but it was false . I asked him why he left me ? Why he couldn't without me ? Shy he always came back to me ? Why he didn't left forever ? Why always he left just period and he came back ? Why he lied and he said he loved me ? Why one day he said that he will never do anything Haram ? Why he lied ? The answer was ; I can't without you , something in you can't let me , I'm with another girl but I think about , the day when I promise you that I won't do anything Haram I was drunk and I cried so hard then my cousin come and cakm me and he talked with you I mean ! I told him what he wrote and he texted you .
In this time , I couldn't keep stand up 💔
I just understand that I hurt him too much 💔

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