Divergent High (fanfic)

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Beep beep beep

I slam down on my alarm and groan as I roll out of bed just as I hear my brother Caleb shout at me to hurry up.

I climb in the shower and get dressed in a black a tank and a pair of skinny jeans with my black leather jacket. I run downstairs grab a muffin slip on my black and purple converse and jump in my red ferrari. I drove to school and parked next to a black Porsche. I wonder who owns that... I walk in to school and bump into a dark haired girl who says "oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Im such a clutz ugh so sorry." She says "Um hi I'm Beatrice, but I go by Tris?" I say. "Hey Tris. I'm Christina." She says. I smile slightly before speaking "I'm new so if you don't mind..." I trail off. She sfacepalms and laughs "Right you need your schedule. Come on." She grabs my wrist and drags me to office. We get there and christina says "Hi Ms. Matthews this is Beatrice Prior. She needs her schedule please." "Of course, dear, here you go." Says Ms.Matthews, smiling in that comforting way older people do. I nod and smile as I take the schedule. Christina looks over my shoulder and squeals saying "We have all the same classes yay" I smile and she leads me to my locker which is right next to hers. (Convenient and unlikely but I'm not changing this) I open it and grab my stuff for social studies which happens to be my first class. I go into homeroom and introduce my self then the teacher, Ms.Wu, who is also my art and music teacher. She says "Welcome Tris, you can sit next to Christina. Since you two seem to be getting along so well" Ms. Wu laughs a bit and smiles. I smile back and go sit next to Christina. I look around and see a boy with deep blue eyes staring at me. I stare back and a light pink blush dusts my cheeks. I quickly look away when I spot Christina looking between us. She snickers and says "I would suggest not associating with him" I look at her quizzically and ask "Why, exactly?" She glances at him quickly then responds "He's a man whore. Gets with every girl. Been with nearly every girl in this school, actually." I bite my lip and glance back at the boy, whose name I still don't know. The bell rings and I quickly get up, leaving Christina behind even though we have the same class. As I'm  leaving I feel someone sling their arm across my shoulders. I stiffen and mystery boy says "Hey beautiful" I roll my eyes and shrug him off, sending him a glare before heading into my next class, Christina somehow magically right behind me.

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