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I remove the comforter from my body and went to bathroom to get fresh, after taking shower, I came to my bedroom and open the cupboard. Now I'm totally confused, what should I wear because today is my first meeting with Lora. I never saw her before, so I want to make my first impression for the long & last ever. Forever. Finally, I choose a black shirt with blue denim and black shoes. I think it is the best & simple combination, which every girl loves.

At last, I wear my clothes and comb my hairs. Suddenly my phone rang, it is the text of Mr. Chris, he send me the address of the restaurant's location. The address is X-20, stone garden, Hilton Road.

I'm so nervous about the meeting, I don't know how shall I talk to her, how shall I start the conversation. Well it's quite difficult but I have to do this. I heard so much about Lora that she is a very nice girl and she loves simplicity.

"Charlie". Oh! mom is calling me. I think I'm getting late.

"Yes mom".

"Dear it's already 9:30, and I think your meeting is scheduled for 10:30".

"Oh! Yes mom, I'm ready and I'm going".

"Hurry-up my son".

Well it's time to move on. I start my car and off to the restaurant, while driving I'm trying to prepare myself that what should I will say to her. You are looking so beautiful, you are looking same as your mom, I heard so much prasies about you but you are more beautiful than those praises or else I will tell her you are looking beautiful. Ummm... yes, this will be the perfect beginning of babble- you are looking so gorgeous, yes this one is the perfect sentence. But wait I forgot something. Fuck. I forgot to buy a gift for her, it will look awkward if I'll go free hands, but what should I buy for her, I don't know about her likes and dislikes. Maybe flowers are the best, every girl love flowers. But from where can I buy the flowers. While driving I see a flower shop and I stopped my car and jumped out from it to buy them.

"Hello sir, how can I assist you" A woman welcome me, when I entered into the shop.

"Actually I want to buy some flowers". What? How stupid I am, if I come here into this flower shop, then obviously I want to buy some flowers not some drugs. I think my words are signifying my nervousness. Oh fuck!

"Yes sir, which kind of flowers do you want to buy". Which kind, I only know about red roses. May be they are the best, girls love red roses or may be some girls love them.

"Roses. Red roses".

"Ummm.... I pardon sir, unfortunately the stock of red roses hasn't come yet".

Oh fuck. Now what should I gift her. A packet of condom. Never. Because I don't think so, she loves this kind of things. Well, In a very defeated manner I turned around and went towards my car. Suddenly, I saw some flowers which were hanging outside the shop in a flower pot.

"Excuse me, Miss".

"Yes sir".

"Do you have those flowers in your shop" I pointed at those flowers and ask her about them.

"Yes sir, we have, they are white Lilly".

"Great, I want those flowers. Prepare a bouquet of white Lilly for me".

"Alright sir, but you have to wait for 5minutes. I'll get back to you with a beautiful bouquet ".

"Ok but hurry up".

The lady go inside and prepared a bouquet for me. After 5minutes she came back with a beautiful white Lilly bouquet and handover me that bouquet .

"How's it sir"? I'm totally amazed.

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