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Blazye Pov

I'm walking home with Queenie by my side. We don't have contacts nor sunglasses on..

We seen a black shadow near. I began growing nervous that means Queenie crazy ex-boyfriend found her.

"Queenie run but on 3 transport" I said .

Her boyfriend thinks Queenie is a human. Her boyfriend seduced her but thought it never worked because she still acted Human but she wasn't. Because she died.

Yes my bestfriend has died and came back to life. Her boyfriend sucked all the blood from her but his venom brang her back to life.

We began running still we were behind a bush. And transported to The park near my house.

I seen Mateo & his friends playing basketball.

"Yo Teo, look!" One of his friends pointed at me. He had normal eyes though. I looked threw him , his name is Key.

Mateo looked over my way and got suprised look

You, you are the one.

They all chased us. They started attacking me & Queenie. I used my strength to fling the humans into the trees.

Mateo stood on top of me. With his Vampire Flange out.

"You're the purple eyed one" he spoke.

I felt him pry off my hands and drop down unconscious.

I looked and seen my sister Blaire.

"Thanks bro" I got up.

She grabbed me up with Anger wroten all over her face. "Don't be near these Boys. Espically Dreads & Afro... and NEVER go anywhere without contacts or sunglasses on"

"Uh okay?" I said weirdly because I don't know what going on.

She erased their memory. I seen the dark purple energy fly into her.

"Where's Queenie?" She asked.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

I looked into the the vision of Queenie she's was running away with Dreads chasing her

I looked around seeing Blaire already gone. Nobody in sight . I used my super speed after Transported to where Queen was.

"Queen!" I called out.

"Yo help me, he's the element one." She ran.

He looked at me. And stop chasing Queen untill I felt someone knock me out.


I looked to the side and seen Queenie next to me. And Mateo & Ayleo in the room with two other girls.

"Where tf am I?"I asked rubbing my head.

The lightskin one with Grey eyes gasped " you got her?"

"I want to go frigging home, what do y'all creeps want from me?" I said.

"We don't want you Boss does" Ayleo smirked

"But why am I here, there's more creatures out there." I rolled my eyes.

"She's the special one" the little girl said.

"Hey I'm Vanna, I'm their sister call me VJ" She shook my hand.

I looked back in my head seeing my mother crying.

"BITCHES YOU GOING TO BRING ME BACK HOME!" I yelled on the top of my lungs waking Queenie.

"Why she so mean?" The little girl said.

"Why you so ugly ass sh-" I got cut off by Mateo.

"Continue your sentence or I'll slap your head off."

"Why you so ugly as shit?" I said after trying to transport but it wasn't working.

"Fuck" they put me on the restrained potion

"Who tf are yall" Queenie jumped on my back.

"Some creeps" I rolled my eyes flopping on the bed.

"Y'all go sleep I'm carrying you to boss on he morning" Ayleo said.

"Ion give a shit. Bring me home or I'll call my sister" I said

Blazye Mother Pov

I knew this day would happen. Blazye is the special one. Out of the whole of us. There's only 3 of them. Three Purple eyed ones . They already have 2 and Blazye was the last one.

We kept on telling Blazye to keep on her contacts or glasses until she gets home. But she doesn't listen.

Why Today? After all these other days. Especially why her? That'd why I was scared about these new kids just like us


654 Words


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