Your Going to Talk?

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Blazye Pov

I found out my other cousin Tristan, lives around here. I texted her for they address. And I'm on my way to her place forget them. I'm going to get my stuff later until next week I'm going back home or to Miami and live by myself.

I knocked on her door she greeted me in while holding her baby boy , Jalil

"Hey Cuz, Hey little Ja" I kissed Jalil cheek and he giggled.

"What are you going up here? Whose Mama?" She asked about my mom.

"She's doing good, I'll tell you why I'm here later." I Took Jalil out from her hands

"Could I crash here until next week?" I asked.

"Sure, your my favorite anyways don't tell Blaire or Blake though"

I laughed

"If your going to stay here, where's your stuff?" She asked eating a pear

"At the hotel, you know Queenie pregnant" I said.

Her extra self choked on her pear "What?! Does Lisa know?" Lisa is Queenie mom's name.

"Lemme tell you why I'm here, and partly is going to tell you Why Queenie pregnant" I said.

She nodded.

I told her what happened, she was suprised as ever. She wanted me to go back and fix the issue but I don't want to see those people ever again.

I got a call from Ayleo.

Call Mode On

Pineapple Tree Ayo🙂:  Blazye where are you?

Blazye😌💥:  nun your business.. Why?

Pineapple Tree Ayo🙂:  Queenie is in labor.

Blazye😌💥:  okay which hospital

Pineapple Tree Ayo🙂:  Mount Vernon Hospital.

Blazye😌💥: I'll be there soon.

Call Mode Over.

"Tristan, wanna come to the hospital with me?" I asked.

"Queenie in labor?" She raised her eyebrow

"Yep" I said

"Let me dress Jalil first" She took Jalil from my hands.


"Queenie Eliza Rivers" I said to the nurse.

"Room 532" She said bluntly

We went in the room, and I heard doctors yelling 'Push'.

"Get this baby outta me!!" Queenie yelled gripping the bed.

One question where is everyone else?

I ran to her.. and Tristan took a seat.


"It's twin girls" She handed Queenie her babies.

"What the names?" The doctor said.

"Faith Hevean Bowles, and Hope Neveah Bowles" She smiled to them.

The doctors took the Babies for the clean. But we need to rush out the hospital before they know we're not human.

Tristan is half. But Jalil isn't because he took most genetics from his father who's in jail.

"They look like you" I smiled.

"Hold one" She said.

"After" I said

"Where's Ayleo?" I asked.

"I don't know? They just vanished" She shrugged.

Where's do you think Ayleo &the rest of them go?

Do you think they just let them?


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