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Blazye Pov

I woke up to my phone ringing it was an unknown number problably Mateo. I still don't forgive him as yet. But whatever.

Call Mode

3342740021: hey Blazye.

Me: hi.

3342740021: um could we talk?

Me: about.

3342740021: us please, I'm really sorry.

Me: maybe.

3342740021: could you stop answering with one word and actually respond in sentences?

Me: why.

334740021: look Blazye, I know I did you wrong but you don't know the full story. I left to save your life.

Me: yeah whatever.

Call Mode Over.

I sighed laying down, and Sparkle came back into her room, I slept over and nothing happened.

"You okay?" She said sitting next to me.

"Yeah, it's just Mateo again. I don't know why he's still bothering me. " I rolled my eyes.

"Your were his bestfriends soo.. did he ever said he had feelings for you? But not like bestfriend feelings" She said.

"Yeah" I said quietly.

"Then he still has feelings," She said.

Maybe she's right?

"But he left me, so he didn't.. he just vanished?" I said

"You don't know his side of the story " She left

Sparkle Pov

I do have feelings for Blazye, but I know she wouldn't be with me. I'm bisexual so it's alright. She's still my friend I gotta support her like she supports me

Blazye Pov

I have to meet Mateo at his new house. To be honest I part of me doesn't want to go but he already begged me to come .

I dressed into a black top that reads physco , a white jeans with master 12s and put my hair in a bun and put on my necklace that reads 'Babygirl' in gold with my gold Rolex and sprayed myself with my perfume from Vicky.

I heard Faith and hope crying

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I heard Faith and hope crying.  I went into there room seeing Faith face red with a hand mark and Hope laughing.

I picked up the both of them "hope did you slap Faith?" I asked.

Hope laughed even more as Faith digged get face into my shoulder 

I giggled and out them in there boosters and made breakfast for them.

I made eggs and bacon. I handed them there plate as i fed Faith with my right and and Hope with my left.

"Aww you look like a momma." Queenie said.

I giggled "get ready" I said.

"Why?" She asked .

"I'm taking you somewhere special" I lied.

"Okay what about the twins?" She asked.

"I'll get them ready, just go" I said.

I gotta fix things with myself and my other half.

Deep cut (Shmateo Vampire Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now