Broken Feelings

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Mateo Pov

I love her, I just went off on her. But I have to do this.. Ayleo has to leave Queenie and her babies because of our father. I don't want to do this but I have to or else he'll kill her.. I hope she forgives me. Vanna has to leave her boyfriend also, he's found a island. And we all moving there. But we are moving to opposite sides of the island. There's humans there about 500 . And I think the island is called Hy-Wee .

1 year later in Hawaii

Blazye Pov

I knew he was going to use me. Ayleo used Queenie they just vanished without even telling us goodbye .

And it's really hard on Faith & Hope because they don't have a dad. We moved to Hawaii because America wasn't safe for us anymore. They put some of our creatures in Jail or killed them..

I've gotten I job at a doctors office.

There's a party today, but it's on the over side of our town.

We still keep our identity secret because we don't want to take off all the humans on Hawaii.

Queenie found a babysitter so we're getting ready now.

Queenie found a babysitter so we're getting ready now

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Blazye in Above with her outfit.

I put on my light pick glossy lip gloss.

I really glo'd up over a year before I use to look like a 11 year old but people always mistaking me for 20 when I'm 18.

Since that day I've discovered my powers. I can speed and also open a mortal to Mars.

But we're transporting to the Party. Because the drive is to long.


Once we reached to the party we went to get some drinks I only took two shots. Queenie took 4.

We were dancing until people formed a big crowd and I want to see what it's about.

People pushed me into the crowd. And I seen Mateo..

"Blazye?" He asked.

I looked at him then walked away.. I cut off all the Toxic people from my life I don't need him .

I felt him grab my hand "I'm sorry I lef-" he was about to say before I cut him off.

"I don't care, you left and I don't care about you anymore!" I said felling water ran down my eyes.

"Now get away from me, and go find someone else to play with" I wiped my tears walking off.

I seen Ayleo, I glared at him and went to find Queenie to get out this place

She was kissing up on a guy. "Queenie let's go" I grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me bitch, I don't know you" She spat.

"Good luck getting home"  I told her.

I knew she was going to come after me. I grabbed her hand as we teleported back home.

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