Five steps

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"Okay Mel, you got this." Migas smiled ushering her friend to walk towards her. Annabelle had been there a week ago. In that time other people visited the cave and gave Migas money for giving the medical help. Also Mel had got better. Well he could take two steps. If he kept healing at this rate, he could move out by next Friday. Yet, there was still one thing he was wondering. When exactly did Migas sleep? When ever he woke up she was always working. With a smile Mel took one step forward. Then another. Then a third. Soon he was on his forth step. Finally within five steps he was standing right in front of Migas. His legs began to sting but, he pretended like it wasn't happening. Migas looked so excited until she noticed his legs were shaking.
"Mel, are you okay?" She asked turning her head side ways. Mel gulped.
"Why wouldn't I be." Mel lied trying to take a step forward. Yet, his sixth step was when he feel right on top of Migas. Meliodas reached out to grab something as they fell. Well anything to grab onto. Well the only thing that was around was Migas breast. His hand was wrapped around it.
"Yup. This is the good life." Mel joked looking up to see his friends. His face fell as he saw he face. Migas looked terrified. Tears were wielding up in her large eyes which were the same could as his. Wait a second. Weren't her eyes brown a minute ago? Mel decided to ignore this. Yet, one thing still bothered him. Her eyes weren't on him. They seemed spaced out. As if they were lost in thought. Not any thought though. A horrid one. One that would make your skin crawl. He quickly removed his hand.
"You okay Angel?" He asked sitting back up. Migas snapped back to reality. As soon as she did her eyes turned back to brown. She looked around almost as if she didn't remember where they were. Or almost as if she was just transported somewhere else.
"Y-yeah." She stuttered getting to her feet. She extended her hand to Mel. He of course took it.
"Are you sure?" He asked as she helped him back into bed.
"Yup." Migas smiled. Mel sat there in silence as Migas walked back over to the fire looking at their dinner.
"So I'm curious. Do you grab every woman's breast you meet?" Migas asked as she stirred the food.
"Depends." Mel smiled.
"Oh what?" She asked turning around with a bit of a grin on her face.
"When you tell me if you sleep or not." Mel stated. Migas turned around pretending he wasn't there. Her face was so long it looked terrified.
"I do. When you're in deep sleep but, I don't think that's happened in over three weeks." Migas mumbled under her breath. Mel felt a bit of guilt.
"Why don't you sleep?" Meliodas asked.
"Oh. Cause I need to look after you and I need to work." She stated as she continued too cook. Mel looked at his friend. She refused to look at him. Okay, Mel was so confused right now. Why? It seemed a lot to Mel like she was lying.
"Well you should sleep tonight. I won't need help tonight. I can promise you that." Mel smiled. Migas giggled a bit.
"If you say so." She sighed.
"Also yes." Meliodas smiled. Migas turned her head to the left making only one of her eyes look at him. The other one was probably focusing on the food or something.
"What?" She asked.
"I do grab every woman's boobs that I meet. I like to think of it as a type of greeting." He smiled.
"Pervert." Migas sighed and turned her head. Yet, you could tell she may have thought this was funny and maybe smiling a bit.

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