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It had been three years since that day. In that time Migas's siblings had all fallen in love. Speak of love, Eros had gotten married to a lovely women and now had a baby. Now this one year old baby was being spoiled by her aunts, uncle Meliodas, cousins and grandma medusa. Yet, the one that spoiled her the most was Medusa. Like she made toys for the child out of tree bark, bones of her lsat meal and what ever she could find left in the forest. Yet, the others did buy/make her clap they all the time.
Along with this Meliodas had discovered that little scales who was now 16 years old had a giant crush on Kitty. Of course he tried to get them to date on multiple occasions. Including this thing called mistletoe on the day called Christmas. Yet, that had failed to do what it was intended to do. Instead it had gotten Eros and his wife Psyche to kiss for the first same. Same thing with Harmonia and her fiancé (since two days ago) Kadmos. Oh plus, Medusa and a stick doll Fidi had made her when she was younger.
Other than that Migas had snuck into town with Meliodas several times. She had learned so many things. Like what cake is as well as how good it tasted! She also learned that she could buy books instead of Hella stealing her books from her mom's library for her to read. She also experienced being drunk for the first time a year ago. It was extremely fun for her siblings to watch her talk to a giant dead tree thinking it was Mel. Then she proceeded to flirt with a rock before crying say, "he said I'm not his type."
Another thing she had learned was that Meliodas was still a perv. Like she kept count of ever women he had flirted with or groped. Every time he got slapped, kicked or flirted with. She was pretty sure those were sex addicts or something.
Despite all this she had learned that even though only one person was accused of being a demon per year now, their executions were more blood than most. She had heard that one had his head pulled off by a giant. Another was cut in half and had his eye balls eaten. Yet, this didn't stop her from having a fun night.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself for an hour?" Mel asked his sister. She waved hi to some with a grin. After words she just had a tiny smirk on her face.
"Would you relax, it's just me going to the bake shop than the book store. They are literally ten feet apart." Migas smirked.
"I only worry cause you're my baby sister." Mel sighed.
"Well technically we don't know who's older. It could be me." Migas smiled a bit brighter as her eyes fell on a female walking by holding her boyfriend's hand. Those two were smiling at each other while laughing and joking around.
"Who knows, maybe I'm gonna find a guy like that there." Migas smirked.
"Oh you better not." Mel stated. No one was touching his sister. His sister just rolled her green eyes. Quickly she hugged her brother tightly.
"Stop worrying. Just go have fun." Migas whispered into his ear. Then she dashed off yelling,
"Bye brother. Have fun! Love you!"
"Bye sis! Love you too." He smiled as she ran into a store. With that he left not, knowing what would happen an hour from now.
~time skip~
Migas had just turned the corner from the bakery to the book store. She was so excited to get a new book to read. For some reason she loved to read even though the rest of her family liked being active rather than reading.
Then she saw a dark figure move into the shadows as the sunsets light seemed to shine all around her. Migas rolled her eyes.
"Mel, I told you that I'm fine. Now would you relax and stop spying on me?" Migas asked. The figure stepped closer revealing a shiny silver dagger in his hand. Before she had time to react, he was on top of her. The dark skinned man's pitch black eyes looked at the girl. He licked his lips.
"Another find heart to eat." He smiled.
~not really that long, time skip~
Migas let out a loud blood curling scream as the knife was plunged into her chest again. She screamed again but, louder as the man toured her chest open with his bare hands with little help from the knife.
Meanwhile Meliodas had heard the screams and was now running around trying to locate his sister so he could save her. It was there thing. She saved him. Then he would save her. That was how their adventures had worked so far.
Yet, as he turned the corner he didn't except to see his sister lying on the ground with her chest wrapped open with her only working heart in a man's hand with a huge bite taken out of it. Quickly he charged without thinking. The blade went through the man's chest causing him to scream before falling to the ground. He was dead in seconds.
As for Migas, she was still alive. Well, barely. Blood was everywhere and she was wondering why she wasn't dead, maybe it was because her only working heart was still beating or maybe the other three hearts she had were going to start working soon. Or maybe she was in to much pain to rest. It hurt beyond belief and all she could see was blurred shapes. That is until a young looking blond she knew, drop to his knees and was trying to put her heart back into her chest.
"Mel?" She asked.
"Yeah sis. It's me. J-just hold on for a second." He begged as he tried to pit her heart back into her body. He didn't know what to do but, this was the only thing he could think of. She smiled as she knew who this was.

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